Friday, February 19, 2010

Tummy Time

We had tummy time after I got home from work. He was so cute. I couldn't resist taking pictures and getting another clip of him talking and moving around. You can hear his nose is stuffed up and he sounds like a little piglet. It happens all the time. He hates it when we shoot saline up his nose to clear it out, but it has to be done. Unfortunately you can also hear me. It's kind of embarrassing to listen to what I sound like when I am talking to Dylan. So if you are thinking, "Does she realize how ridiculous she sounds?" the answer is yes, I am well aware. Oh, well. Dylan doesn't seem to mind. I am glad he lets me dress him up and play with him. Well, he couldn't stop me if he wanted to. *Muah ha ha ha ha*

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well, what do ya know. Someone actually got it. (Congrats, Rod!) He's a doctor. That gave him an unfair advantage. So, yes, an acupuncturist came to Wash U the other day to do a presentation about cupping. Autrey volunteered to let her demonstrate this therapy on him, which uses a glass cup and a match to increase blood flow. His skin was sucked up after a vaccuum of air was created when the match went out. Delightful, I know. Don't worry. He says it doesn't hurt.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Any Guesses?

Can you figure out what happened to Autrey's back? I thought it was the result of a vigorous game of raquetball. I was wrong. Not even close. They aren't ginormous bug bites or chicken pox either. I don't think anyone will get it correct, but I am curious to hear your guesses. I'll give the answer after I read the comments from my loyal followers. It's not like one of those Magic Eye pictures. Crossing your eyes, furrowing your eyebrows and looking at it sideways doesn't help, but feel free to continue these techniques if you wish.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dylan's Friend

Dylan has a special friend. He flashes the biggest grin every time he sees him. "I'm talkin' 'bout the man in the mirror. Oh, yeah..." It's true. His friend is his own reflection. So cute. But shhh, don't tell Dylan. The video is dark because it was taken right after his feeding at 5:30am, when he is the most smiley, and I hadn't turned on the main light yet. Oops. Obviously I don't function as well as he does before the sun shines.

Valentine's Day P. S. - I spent Valentine's weekend at home with my 2 favorite men. Autrey made a great chicken and shrimp alfredo and garlic bread to go with sparkling cider. We ate all of the chocolates I got Autrey for dessert while we watched a movie. Dylan woke up half way through so he joined our date night. I feel lucky to be loved this weekend and every other day of the year as well. Autrey, you are the greatest husband and father I could have ever dreamed of. I love you!

For those of you who are gagging, I apologize for the mushiness. It's Valentine's. What did you expect?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Remember this?

Remember when Dylan was a week old and he was swimming in this 0-3 month sleeper? Well, look at him now!

I must have blinked.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Vist from G-ma

My mom flew out to St. Louis to visit and help out for a week. Boy did she come at a good time. Autrey has been busy putting his resume together and sending it out to potential employers while finishing his last semester and I have been going 100 mph trying to balance teaching and taking care of Dylan on minimal sleep (I knew that sleeping post was going to jinx me). Not to mention report cards are due this week, again. It seems like I just finished doing grades for the first trimester while on bed rest after only being in the classroom 20 days. That's probably because I have only been back for 18 school days. Only 68 days left to teach and I still don't feel like I know the kids like I should. Yes, I have been counting down. Don't judge me. Anyway, mom has been a huge help taking care of Dylan and helping around the house. G-ma with her little snugglesaurus: Dylan is a very smiley baby. Mom recorded him smiling and cooing a lot while she was here, but as you can see I'm a little too slow to get a good still shot of it. I'm working on it. Mom had fun playing dress up. Here are some pictures of his fashion show. I love his facial expressions. Notice how he stares at his right hand:

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go:
Mom and Dylan joined me one night so I could stay late and finish work I couldn't take home:

His second time at church:

BYU baby:

The east coast got slammed with 30 inches of snow, causing mom's flight to get canceled on both Saturday and Sunday. I didn't mind. I love spending time with my mom. Autrey drove her to the airport this morning at 5:15. It's a good thing she had an early flight because the airport in Baltimore shut down again 2 hours after she landed due to 20 more inches of snow on the way. We didn't have near as much snow here, but today was a snow day and I got to stay home. Woo hoo!
Thanks, G-ma. We love you!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Superfan

Dylan got all dressed up in his football outfit to watch his first Super Bowl game. Autrey even let him hold the remote, something I don't ever get to do. Only boys are allowed to have the remote in our house. His favorite commercial was the funny one with the E*Trade babies, of course. He told me so. Smart baby, he is.Cheering for the Colts, specifically Peyton Manning and Austin Collie (Collie played for BYU while Autrey and I were there):

It's too bad the Saints won. I think it had something to do with the fact that our opening hymn at church today was "Press Forward, Saints."