Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boo at the Zoo

Mona and Doug drove up to spend Halloween in Dallas. On Saturday we went to Boo at the Zoo and had so much fun with all of the games for the kids and treats for the parents...I mean, also for the kids. And we also saw the animals since we were there.
Tommy was the cutest little sheriff. It was decided he needed a pair of REAL boots, so we stopped at Cavender's on the way to the zoo. And Dylan got his first pair of boots as well, thereby making him an official Texan. Tommy says they look "sharp."Goobers:Waiting for the zoo train:I volunteered to bring treats for the festivities that followed the ward Trunk or Treat. The amazing Christie posted directions how to make these little beauties on her blog the other day, so I made them. Her picture (and cookies) turned out better (note to self: drag toothpick through the glaze bulls eye quickly BEFORE it hardens), so I am using hers. And I am hoping that is ok...right, Christie? After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.Ward Carnival after the Trunk or Treat:
Aunt Allyson getting a laugh out of my little pumpkin.

Parenting tidbit: If you don't want your kids hopped up on sugar until Thanksgiving but don't want to waste perfectly good candy, do what my parents did. They would sneak part of our Halloween stash and use it to stuff Christmas stockings. If my dad wouldn't have clued me in on this scheme after I got married I would have never known. That just shows how much I had that the pile didn't appear smaller. Just make sure not to use the ones with pumpkins and ghosts on the labels.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

More Sweet than Scary

In his Halloween get-up with the awesome ghosts in my parent's yard:

Friday, October 29, 2010

High on Life: Desiree' Style

Desiree' and I went to go see Secretariat (very good, by the way). We got our tickets early, then killed some time by rocking out in the car and sharing a cookie dough Frosty 'hot date' style: one Frosty, two spoons. That didn't kill enough time so, naturally, we did what any Harry Potter fanatic would do (and amused the other time-killers in the process with a very public first kiss):
Ya know, kicking Voldemort in the face with skinny jeans is harder than it looks (especially if the photographer's camera has a delay):
More like, the HURT begins!Desiree' running with the crew:
Looks like I'm speed walking instead. Just need the hand weights:Life-like Secretariat (Desiree' was very proud of my $1 clutch and my first pair of skinny jeans I got for $3 at our "secret place," since that's all she wears now. Before: "She's a half decent looking mommy." Now: "Who's that hot nanny?" Or something like that.):Art project:
We had way too much fun with one of the helium balloons we took from the gym after the volleyball match. Desiree' is a bad influence on me: