Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mini Me

G-ma just sent us an awesome care package with some fun clothes and toys. I was so excited to have Dylan wear these outfits to church. Turns out Autrey got a kick out of dressing to match the past 2 Sundays. Makes Dylan look like such a little man: Cute little Mini Me!

Friday, February 18, 2011

15 month Fun

I found out I have something in common with Dylan. When I took him to the doctor this morning he was his happy-go-lucky self...until we got into the room and I sat him on the table with the crinkly paper. Cue freak out. Before the nurse even came in. Now he is old enough to remember that table is where he gets his shots. Broke my heart. I don't like shots either. I used to start crying in the car as soon as we turned onto the street my doctor's office was. Mom had to take alternate routes. But it always ended in tears, me telling stories to the nurses to stall, and occasionally extra nurses called in for reinforcement to hold me down. Mary was the only one allowed to draw my blood. In fact, the needles were the worst part of Dylan's delivery, probably because I was completely numb after the giant needle was shoved in my back. I still cringe when I think of the 3 blown veins in my arms that were bruised for weeks. *shudder* Anywho, the good news is that Dylan is no longer the runt of the litter and is growing like a weed. If I wasn't the one feeding him I would be wondering what he has been eating lately!
Height: 33 inches (90th percentile!!!)

Weight: 25 lbs. (50th percentile)

Head Circumference: 18.8 cm (50-75th percentile)

Diaper Size: Day-3, Night-overnight 4

Shoe Size: 5

Clothes Size: 12-18 months, sometimes higher because his head gets stuck

*Dylan is quite the little talker. Just days after he turned 14 months he would repeatedly say "Meh! Meh!" throughout prayers once he realized one was being said. Now he usually waits until the end and gets a kick out of sounding like a Baptist shouting "Amen" at the top of his lungs.
*After I put him in his crib he says "nigh nigh" (night, night) as I walk out the door and he lays down with his little bum in the air.

*When he hears an airplane he gets excited and says, "airbah." Happens when you live fairly close to an airport.

*When Autrey says, "Hi, son!" Dylan responds, "Hi, dad!" But to be fair he says that when anyone says it to him.

*He calls me mama or mom.
*Even though I don't use the specific term often, Dylan says "no, no" before, during, and/or after he is doing something he knows is wrong. Smart little stinker. However, I do appreciate the warning to stop him from doing whatever he is about to do.

*When he sees a picture of a cat he says "me" (meow), and wiggles his nose and breathes heavy when he sees a picture of a rabbit. He says "puhpuh" for puppy and kind of makes an 'r' sound for a dog barking. He also sounds like a garbage disposal when he is attempting a tiger roar.

*He points to shoes and says "shoes."

*When he wants a bite of food he will reach out his hand and say "bite."

*He learned his first body part: eyes. He will poke them while saying "eye." We are learning nose and toes since he can say "nose" and make the 't' sound for toes. Now he sometimes pokes my eyes and says "nose."

*When I say, "Let's go brush teeth!" he makes the 't' sound.

*When he walks by the oven he says "ha" (hot), usually in a whisper. I got out an ice pack and he could make the 'c' sound for cold.

*He repeats "ah wet" (all wet) and "puhp" (poop) when he is getting his diaper changed.

*He only knows one speed. Everywhere he goes it is done fast. He is also great at walking on uneven surfaces and bending down and picking up objects unsupported.

*He now pulls the string on his stuffed crib elephant to make it play "Rock-a-Bye Baby." Sometimes that is how I know he is awake because he likes to play and talk to himself for a while.

*He helps me get him dressed by putting his arms into jackets and holds his feet up for socks and shoes.

*He learned how to turn the TV/DVD player on and off. Not fun, especially when you are trying to workout to the Biggest Loser DVD. It was hard enough when he was just treating me like a jungle gym the entire time.

*He thinks it's a fun game to stick his fingers or spoons under the door when Autrey or I are in the bathroom.

*Dylan sticks his tongue in and out like a lizard.

*He still thinks it's hilarious to make funny faces while breathing heavily.

*He loves to hug and kiss all stuffed animals.

*He is still very affectionate with people and gives slobbery kisses. I've seen him blow kisses a few times, but usually he puts his hand against my mouth for me to do it.

*He loves spoons and spatulas. Spatulas make excellent snow shovels.

*He got his 2nd tooth 1 week after he turned 14 months and his 3rd and 4th teeth this week (2-bottom left front, 3- bottom right front, 4-top left front...still waiting on top right front) which explains why he was out of sorts in Houston. Those were the only 2 nights he didn't sleep through the night. Figures. He's even slept through the night since Tuesday when he went cold turkey without his precious "baba" (bottle...We were not making progress switching between sippy during the day and bottle at night. He would just hold out for the bottle. I think I finally found a sippy cup he likes and he's not giving me near as much resistence as I expected.) I finally got a few pictures that show his teeth...and a little bit of a fuzz hawk: Looking out the window:Looking a little bit crazy:
Looking sweet:
"Gosh, I love baseball!"Looking so happy:
Looking like a mess:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend in Houston

We drove down to Houston to be with Mimi and Papa to celebrate Doug's birthday. We went golfing, biking, and ate a lot of food. While everyone else went to the driving range, Mona treated Allyson and I to a mani/pedi. She knows me well. It is a luxury I love but usually only indulge in once a year to kick off my summer vacation. Pure heaven. After that we met up with the others for 9 holes. This was Dylan's first time at a golf course with his own clubs. Thought he was hot stuff: That's ok, son. You keep the slobber ball.
Dylan, learn all you can from Papa and your dad... ...because all I can teach you about golf is how to drive the cart!
Stealing someone's unused club to hit the biggest ball ever...
...and disappointed to find out it doesn't move!
More bonding with his Snoopy clubs:
Thanks for the clubs, Mimi! Little helpers blowing out the candles:
Happy Birthday, Papa!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! We love you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


The persistent peer pressure of many of you, coupled with sheer curiosity finally got to me. I caved and joined the Facebook crowd on Monday. About 5 years late to the party but I arrived, however, not before grandma Holdaway beat me to it. Dang it. Made me look bad. Haha. The first 24 hours I reconnected with so many friends. The excitement of long lost friends sucked me in and I went a little (read: a lot) overboard. I learned that me + cabin fever + new 'toy' = disaster. I'm sure some of you were planning an intervention. A day of self imposed computer detox yesterday allowed me to step back and restore balance in my life. Despite the rocky start, I think this is going to be a great way to stay in touch with family and friends from high school, BYU, St. Louis, and Dallas no matter where the future takes me. It will also give me a change in pace from my travel log/baby blog, which is basically what this has turned into. If you haven't already, find me and 'friend' me!

Snow Days

Texas has been covered with ice and snow recently. Autrey's clinic was closed 3 days last week. Four church buildings in our stake had pipes burst, but they got them mostly dried in time. The roads around Cowboy Stadium are also cleared, just in time for the Super Bowl. (I baked cookies and am marinating my homemade hot wings to go with the jalapeno poppers for the occasion! Yum!) We stayed holed up in the apartment until Friday afternoon when we took Dylan outside to play for a little while. So cute all bundled up: Dylan trying to escape Autrey's grasp:

There was snow in the bed of the pickup so we let him play in there. Sort of like a sand box/play pen, but with snow. He loved it!
So fun to watch his excitement in these videos:

As you just saw, Dylan was not thrilled with his sock mittens hindering his ability to grab stuff. We did what any good parents would; we took off his gloves and gave him a spatula to use as a shovel. He went to town with it:

We got cold before he did. We went inside and warmed up with some grilled cheese and tomato soup.