*Dylan finally got his top right front tooth, #6.
*He loves knocking on doors. He also loves pushing his toy vacuum at home and his jogging stroller at the park.
*His favorite number is 9. I sing a counting song to 10. If I stop after 8, he will say "9."
*He will lift his shirt and say "belly." He can also say "hair," but sometimes points to my eyes instead.
*As soon as he sees a phone he will say "a pho".
*When he burps he says "buhp," but also says it after he toots.
*G-ma was peeling potatoes and taught Dylan to say "puh-tato." She also got him to say "I you you" or "I you" for I love you. Now he will say "I you, Mama." Melts my heart.
*He says "yummy" especially while eating grapes or scrambled cheesy eggs. He also loves "ta-toos" (crackers) and I will give them to him occasionally, mostly at church or when we are traveling, but only if he says "a peda" (please).
*He can say "a chee" (cheese) and "a food." Banana is either "nana," "bana," or "manana."
*When we say it's time for prayer, he will say "payer" and sometimes repeat the last word in a sentence.
*One time we were walking to the bathroom with both of his toothbrushes (one for me and one for him to use) and he said "ABC," the song I sing while brushing.
*Autrey was calling my name to get my attention a few weeks ago and Dylan picked up on it. He will still sometimes call me "Shi-o," probably because he got such a good reaction from Autrey.
*He will say "Bye-bye, Mama," "Let's go, Mama," and "Night-night, Mama" at appropriate times. He said "I sorry, Mama" out of nowhere the other day. He hadn't done anything wrong, and I have no idea where he picked that phrase up. I'm guessing he heard Maggie or Ashlyn say it, since Allyson told me he probably didn't get it from Tommy.
*The countdown to nursery continues. Soon there will be no more walking the halls or wrestling during Relief Society. Woo hoo!
*He is so excited to move into our new HOUSE in Fort Worth this summer (or maybe that's just me). He will have lots more room to run around and play!