Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bead Roller Coaster

Autrey and I were walking around IKEA last week. We didn't get any furniture, but I did get the best toy ever for Dylan: a bead roller coaster for only $7.99. Sweet, right? I was just a little excited about it (read: It's all I could talk about that night). Dylan has always loved these and I finally found one at a great deal! In case you can't picture what I am talking about: This toy was in lieu of candy. Yes, Dylan played with EMPTY Easter eggs all weekend and was happy as a clam...and so was I.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter in Austin

We drove down to Austin for Easter weekend. The usual fun with the usual suspects: Golfing, swimming (outside!), eating, and playing. We also went to the mall to get some Easter outfits for church. The boys match...and so do their dads. Love it! The Wakefield family wasn't able to join us because Baby Joseph was born Easter morning. Can't wait to meet him!Trying to get both boys (read: Dylan) to hold still and look is near impossible. They really were so adorable in their different matching outfits all weekend. Dylan sure loves "Nommy." Thanks, Mimi and Papa! Happy Easter, everyone!

Monday, April 18, 2011

17 Months Old

*Dylan finally got his top right front tooth, #6.

*He loves knocking on doors. He also loves pushing his toy vacuum at home and his jogging stroller at the park.

*His favorite number is 9. I sing a counting song to 10. If I stop after 8, he will say "9."

*He will lift his shirt and say "belly." He can also say "hair," but sometimes points to my eyes instead.

*As soon as he sees a phone he will say "a pho".

*When he burps he says "buhp," but also says it after he toots.

*G-ma was peeling potatoes and taught Dylan to say "puh-tato." She also got him to say "I you you" or "I you" for I love you. Now he will say "I you, Mama." Melts my heart.

*He says "yummy" especially while eating grapes or scrambled cheesy eggs. He also loves "ta-toos" (crackers) and I will give them to him occasionally, mostly at church or when we are traveling, but only if he says "a peda" (please).

*He can say "a chee" (cheese) and "a food." Banana is either "nana," "bana," or "manana."

*When we say it's time for prayer, he will say "payer" and sometimes repeat the last word in a sentence.

*One time we were walking to the bathroom with both of his toothbrushes (one for me and one for him to use) and he said "ABC," the song I sing while brushing.

*Autrey was calling my name to get my attention a few weeks ago and Dylan picked up on it. He will still sometimes call me "Shi-o," probably because he got such a good reaction from Autrey.

*He will say "Bye-bye, Mama," "Let's go, Mama," and "Night-night, Mama" at appropriate times. He said "I sorry, Mama" out of nowhere the other day. He hadn't done anything wrong, and I have no idea where he picked that phrase up. I'm guessing he heard Maggie or Ashlyn say it, since Allyson told me he probably didn't get it from Tommy.

*The countdown to nursery continues. Soon there will be no more walking the halls or wrestling during Relief Society. Woo hoo!

*He is so excited to move into our new HOUSE in Fort Worth this summer (or maybe that's just me). He will have lots more room to run around and play!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Man Day

We are keeping the Wash U tradition alive and celebrating Man Day today. Dylan is almost big enough this year to wear the shirt that was given to him last year on his 1st man Day. We had burgers this weekend, so instead I made homemade pizzas (one pineapple and one supreme) and chocolate chip cookies. Sidebar: The Toll House recipe on the side of the Nestle chocolate chips bag is the best one I have ever found. However, it says it's supposed to make 4 dozen. Ha! I baked one dozen and froze 1/2 dozen worth of dough for later. Could be because I make really huge cookies. Could be that I may have over taste-tested. Could be both. Anyway, while I was baking Dylan and Autrey went to the park for some quality male bonding time. My good lookin' men:

Video of little man having a ball pushing Tommy's tricycle in circles. Quite literally spinning his wheels and going nowhere. Typical man, haha:

Happy Man Day, men!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

1st Bubble Bath

Dylan had his 1st bubble bath...and loved it! Splashing with bubbles made bath time even more fun. 3 cute videos of him playing. You can hear him say "bubble," "woah," "help," and "all better":

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Olde Oaks Boys Reunion

The Olde Oaks Boys had their 1st post-BYU reunion weekend in Houston a few weeks ago, hosted by Rob and Christa Ellis. We had waffles, went on a walk with the 3 prego girls, played basketball, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee, went swimming, had a BBQ, and watched the BYU basketball game. Some of the guys that couldn't make it Skyped in. Good times.
The blind taste testing. Judges: Autrey and I (Dylan recused himself), Gavin Parker, Jeremy Jones and his wife, Amanda Wolfe, Taylor and Diane Goggins, B.O. (Brian Osborne), Russell, Kim, and little Bennett Hill, Rob (photographer) and Christa Ellis. Round 1: Lays vs. Walmart brand sour cream and onion chips. Round 2: Barq's vs. A&W vs. Walmart brand root beer. In my opinion, the Walmart brand came out the winner in both categories. Surprising, I know. Hope we make this a tradition!