Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Colton's Hospital Photo Shoot

Cute baby Colton, 2 days after he was born:

This last one is my absolute favorite.  Love my boys!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 2 with G-ma!

G-ma giving Colton his 1st bath at home:

A week after Colton was born, the girls in my ward threw me a baby shower.  I was so excited to see my friends after weeks of bed rest I slacked and only remembered to take a picture as the last of the guests were on their way out the door at 10 pm.  The remaining night owls: Crysta Rappleye, Annalee Dinkel, Christi Taylor, Tammy Burraston, Brindee Blue, me, Sherrie Ellis, Melissa Brandenburgh, mom: 
Colton's 1st swing ride, with help from Dylan:
With Dr. White at my follow-up appointment:
G-ma made a chocolate pie.  Clearly, someone enjoyed it:
Giving loves to baby Colton as he sun tans his bilirubin away:
G-ma loves Dylan:
Cuddling on the couch:
1st time Dylan held Colton.  Dylan sat down on the chair, put the Boppy pillow on his lap and asked to hold him.  Within 2 seconds Colton pooped, but luckily the diaper held it in.  Pretty funny:
Little Slugger:
Dylan went on bike rides with G-ma a few times every day and is getting brave on his new bike:
Helping mom make cinnamon roll dough:
Lunch time:
Playing in the sand:
 The Hanselman's came over for dinner on Friday night:

We always love it when G-ma comes to visit.  Mom is the best.  She brought clothes and toys, fed us, helped around the house, entertained Dylan, stayed up during night feedings with me for moral support and to help keep Colton awake while eating, and is the master baby burper.  It was really hard to say good-bye when she left yesterday!  Love you, G-ma!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Introducing Colton David Duke

Monday, May 14, Colton David Duke (David is my dad's name) was born by way of mandatory C-Section at 8:25 am at the Baylor Hospital in Grapevine.  He was 18 1/2 inches long and weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces.  He is the spitting image of Dylan.  We sure love our new little guy!

Checking into the hospital at 6 am:
 Ready to get rid of my 42 pound belly:
My blood pressure had gone through the roof, which is why they moved up my C-Section date.  I was so dizzy and felt like I was going to throw up in this picture (and for the next day or so).  The hospital staff kept telling me it was a good thing I delivered when I did:
***WARNING: Not for viewers with weaker stomachs***
The moment of my C-Section when Colton emerged: 
 To make a long story short, Colton's feet were stuck in my ribs, I lost a lot of blood, and Colton had trouble breathing initially.  His birth was pretty scary that first little bit.  This is my first glimpse of him coming over the curtain for a quick peek before they went to work suctioning his lungs.  Great first impression: I gave birth to an alien.
Much better looking.  Significantly more earth-like:

 Look at Colton's feet, especially his left one, to see how squished they are because they were shoved in my ribs the past few months.  My mom said that when she first saw him all covered in blood it looked like he was missing a foot because it was bent flat against his shin.  He has had X-rays done and we are going to an orthopedic doctor on Monday to see what needs to be done to correct it:

 Proud G-ma with Colton:

 First mom and baby pictures:

 3 generations:

Colton and I with my anesthesiologist and Dr. Michael White:
 We love Dr. White!  He took very good care of me this very eventful pregnancy:
 Daddy and his little man:
 Coach Autrey:

 1st bath:

 Big brother Dylan meeting his little brother:

 He loved to play in my hospital bed when he came to visit.  He also loved the 'Big Brother' gifts he got to open everyday (games, puzzles, stuffed animals).  We are trying to make Dylan feel special and not have him feel like he is being replaced:

 G-ma and Dylan came to the hospital every morning to see me and would come again when Autrey would get off of work at night.  The rest of the day G-ma and Dylan were buddies playing at home, reading books, singing songs, going to the park, making strawberry jam and Rice Krispie treats, etc.  Dylan also picked up the phrase "Me for Mitt."  I got a kick out of that:

 This week Autrey went out with Dylan and came back with this bike, a baseball tee, and a lizard sprinkler to play with:
 Our little family leaving the hospital last night to enter the real world:

 Thanks for the 1st outfit, Mimi!

 1st night home and ready to go to bed after a cuddle with G-ma:

We love you, baby Colton!