Messy morning eater:
Saturday morning biscuit making:
Little Man cruising the coffee table in his suit:
Can I get a High 5?:
High 5?
Big Buzz (with his Woody boots) flying with his little Buzz Lightyear:
So sad 2 of my dear friends are moving, Annalee Dinkel to Utah and Tiffany Anderson to South Korea (yeah, little nervous with the situation in North Korea):
Snagged this ward Girls Night picture taken last week off of Facebook:
Even though I'm sad they are leaving, as luck would have it I gave Nick and Melinda Hecht (friends from Euless ward) the name of our realtor and Lorraine helped them buy the house 3 doors down from us. Trey is Dylan's age, Mason is 15 months, and she is going to have a girl next month. Having them as new neighbors makes me feel a little better!
Dylan's Update:
*Dylan learned his right and left in Feb, which ended up being confusing in Sunbeams. He came home talking about choosing the right...then choosing the left.
*"Daddy, don't chew with your mouth open. It's not polite." Haha. He is now our rule enforcer. Cute, most of the time.
*Dylan was being silly during a prayer. As soon as it was done he said, "You know we don't be silly during the prayer" before I even had a chance to say anything.
*When we were down in Houston for the Olde Oaks Boys reunion, Mimi and Papa took care of the boys one night while we went laser tagging with the crew. The next day:
Dylan: "Papa told me about Speedy Cone-zalee, the fastest mouse as he can."
Me: "You mean Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in Mexico?
Dylan: "No, MANGO!"
*Dylan's Sunbeam teacher told us during her lesson she said: "Oh, I have the hiccups."
Later during the lesson Dylan sneezed and said, "Oh, I have the bless-yous." Cutest. thing. ever.
*D: "Are you a young woman, mama?"
Me: "Yes. Yes, I am." I think he was talking about being a Young Woman, but oh well.
*"Last day" = Yesterday, and "Next day" = Tomorrow
*Dylan doesn't like the skin on his apples or potatoes.
*While playing with a toy car he told me that one of them "had a 'square' tire" instead of a spare tire.
*He put on his sunglasses and said, "I can't see in the dark without these glasses."
*Dylan likes to know when Autrey is going to work. He will say something like "You go back to work Friday, dad" even though it is a Monday or something.
*Dylan took his straw out of his drink and accidently flicked milk all over me and got in trouble then said, "Daddy, will you play with me? I can't play with mommy anymore." Kinda sad, but really funny.
*D: "Are we all done working in the garden for the day?"
Aut: "Yes."
D: "All done for the day. *loud sigh*" He said it exactly how Autrey does, including the sigh.
*Me: "Ah! You scared me!"
D: "I'm not a monster, mommy." Monsters and alligators and sharks are featured prominently in his pretend play.
*Me: "We do not hit mama."
Dylan thinks, then whacks me and says: "Tag, you're it!"
Clever, son. Clever.
*Me: "Don't take Colton's toys or try to move him. Let me be the mom."
Next time Colton crawled towards his toys: "Be the mom! Be the mom!"
*Dylan is still adjusting to the toy invasion that started when Colton started crawling. He is working on sharing and not putting all the toys up on the couch or crying when Colton comes to play. Poor guy has had a fair amount of time outs. He shares much better with his friends than his brother.
*Dylan has a tell when he is guilty. If Colton is crying and Dylan is covering his eyes with his hands before I even ask what happened, he is guilty.
*On a related subject, Dylan had stopped taking naps altogether for a while, but lately he has been taking 2-3 a week because he is so tired.
*Time Out. From this post. Not for the boy. I don't mean to sound so negative about Dylan. He is a normal, adorable 3 year old. I love him dearly...even though sometimes we drive each other nuts.
*Dylan likes to make Colton laugh. He also likes to crawl next to him and play 'puppy'.
*He loves going to Walmart and doing the laundry. That makes one of us. Laundry is a game to him. He loves to play with the 'sock puppets' and play the 'sock matching game' at the end. The empty laundry basket makes an excellent pirate ship.
*Easter Sunday was Dylan's debut singing in church with the Primary for Easter. Totally a comedy of errors. He and cousin Tommy, his 'twin,' held hands and started to walk up there but got confused and stopped in the aisle. Autrey helped get them to the stage. Then they walked to the back row of kids where I couldn't see them. The whole 1st song I kept waiting for a crash from them playing or something. After the 1st song they walked off the stage, still holding hands, thinking they were done. Thankfully they were kindly escorted back up there for the other song, and just stood there unsure of what to do. Then they walked back to us, hand in hand, and were confused why the Duke row was laughing/crying. Love those 2 goobers!
*Dylan is finally tall enough that he turned on the bathroom light to go potty all by himself without a stool.
Colton's Update:
*Unlike Dylan, he started saying "mama" about 2 weeks before "dada." It fits because Dylan is daddy's little buddy and Colton is a mama's boy. I wonder how much of that is due to the increased amount of time I have been able to spend with Colton since I stopped working.
*At the end of Feb. Colton pulled up into a stand in the bathtub by himself. A month ago I walked in to get him from his crib and he was standing there waiting for me. Now he is pulling up on everything and still crawling very fast. He also loves climbing up the stairs. The baby gate is up.
*Colton loves to feed himself finger food: Puffs, Cheerios, wheat bread, pancakes, bananas, cooked carrots, eggs, shredded cheese, corn kernels, and black beans. He eats fruit and/or veggie smoothies, avocados, applesauce, yogurt, cottage cheese, and spaghetti (after it is run through the baby food grinder.) He also loves his bottle and is starting to wean himself.
*Dylan likes to put finger food on Colton's tray, one-for-me-one-for-you style.
*Colton didn't really ever put anything in his mouth before, but now that he is feeding himself I have to watch him carefully to make sure he doesn't choke on small toys or small pieces of wood/grass.
*Colton went from back sleeping to side sleeping and now to stomach sleeping as his preferred position. He still rubs his head when he's tired.
*Colton is a happy little guy. He generally doesn't cry very often. He will cry sometimes simply because Dylan is. It is the worst to go from 0 kids crying to 2 in 3 seconds flat. (To which Kristen is probably thinking, "Only 2 kids crying? That's every feeding for me, on a good day.")
*The last few times we flew on airplanes, Dylan slept more on the plane than Colton. He was super alert and squirmy wormy, as usual. Didn't see that coming.
*Colton is making my morning exercise dvd workout a challenge to get through because he likes to push the buttons on and off. When he gets close to the machine I will say "Colton, stop" and he will either look at me and then do it anyway or start crying.
*Colton is learning to High 5. Dylan is learning not to hit Colton's hand so hard when giving him a High 5 that Colton gets smacked with his own hand in the face. Colton will randomly put his hand in the air wanting you to give him a High 5. It's pretty cute.
*My baby's almost 1. Seriously? That doesn't seem possible.