Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Festival and other Festivities

My skeleton and pirate at Play to Learn:
 Colton and Rogan trying on their adorable dragon hoodies Carra Goold and I were finishing up sewing the hoodies and tails at her house.  Yes, I was sewing.  Miracle of miracles:
 Dylan loved the dragon tail.  Glad I made it big enough to fit him too!
 That night we went with the Goold's to the Keller Fall Festival.  They had a petting zoo:
 About 2 seconds later that sheep head-butted my baby dragon.  Hard.  Poor guy:
 Sir Dylan in his knight armor with the 2 squirrely dragons:

 Precious, no?
 Autrey made the armor all by himself with cardboard, silver and bronze spray paint, string, and a bunch of eyelet clasps.  For all of his sweat and toil, Dylan won 3rd place in the entire festival...and he won Father of the Year in the eyes of his little knight (who thinks he won 1st place because of the prize and attention he got when they took his official picture) 

 Pumpkin patch field trip with the Parents as Teachers program:

 Still working on a normal smile...

Hayride with our friends (Max, Lori, Carra and Rogan, and Brindee, Koen, and Beckham.  Melinda and her kids were across the wagon with Miss Marissa): 
 Hanging out with Bob the Builder, Wendy, Rollie, and Scoop:

 At least someone has nice pumpkins in this family.  Haha:

The fall fun has just begun.  G-ma's plane lands in 15 minutes.  Can't wait to see her!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

47 and 17 Month Updates

Saturday morning smiley face pancakes:

 Splashing in the "Frankie" lizard sprinkler.  It's been 90* until the start of this week when it started raining:

My pumpkins at the patch in Flower Mound during our weekly playgroup:

 Chloe and Dylan cheese-balling it up.  This is going to be in their wedding album someday:

 Chloe, Trey, and Dylan on the hayride.  Mason, Grace, and Colton were there too, just incognito:
 Is he adorable or what?

 You can see on their faces that everybody was ready for their nap that day after playing and running around so much!
Dylan's 47 Month Update:

*We are casually learning our capital letters by reading books, playing games, and pointing out letters we see on signs when we are out and about.  He still has a year until preschool and almost 2 years until kindergarten so we're in no rush.  Miss Marissa came to our house today and played a letter game with him and I was surprised that he knew most of the uppercase letters, even the ones we haven't focused on yet.  The letters he still needs to practice are E/F, N/W, P/R, U/V, Q, and Z.

*He will randomly hold up an object and ask, "What letter does ______ start with?" 

*In addition to his name he can spell "no" and "stop".

*Dylan had his 1st speaking part in the Primary Program at church.  His part was: "I know He loves me because He...helps me feel happy when I make good choices."  He had the part memorized, but blanked when he got up to the podium and needed to be fed his lines.  I totally understand a fear of public speaking!

*He still calls me "Shilo" and sometimes refers to Colton as "this guy," because Autrey will ask me, "How was this guy today?"

*He knows his and Colton's full names.

*Dylan goes to the bathroom all by himself, but still needs help wiping #2.  The other day I was putting Colton to sleep and Dylan decided to try to wipe himself without telling me.  Epic fail.  I was proud of him for trying, but he needed a bath, new clothes, I had to wash the floor, and I had to wash the rug.  We've had that rug for 8 1/2 years but I thought it was in good shape.  However, when I put it in the washer this time it fell apart.  Good-bye, yellow rug.  You will be missed.  I tried to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to see if they still sold that shade of yellow.  They don't.  

*I have always loved the book "Green Eggs and Ham."  When I was Dylan's age my mom read it to me so much I memorized it and people would think I was actually reading it.  I love it even more because my 'eat anything baby' has turned into a 'semi-picky boy'.  However, all I have to do is say, "Try it, Sam I am.  You might like it." And he will give it a try and usually end up liking it. 

*Over Conference weekend he said randomly, "We don't want to hurt the prophet."  Then, when there was a glitch in our Internet mid talk I said, "Hold on, the computer is just loading."  Dylan reponded, "No.  He is completely done talking." 

*He randomly threw up twice at church (once during sacrament and once out on the grass) and at least 4 other times over the next few days.  He would act totally fine in between each incident, but I noticed it usually happened soon after he would eat.  Anyway, he told me, "When we throw up we need to do it in the trash can, the toilet, the grass...and the fireplace, to burn the food."

*I told him to look at me, then run to the other side of the room and tell me whether I looked bigger or smaller.  He said, "When things are far away they look small.  But when they are close they look big."  We had also talked about this before other times while looking out airplane windows.

*As we were driving...
 D: "What's in that truck?"
 Me: "Dr. Pepper."
 D: "To make who feel better?"
 Me: "It sure makes Papa feel better."

*"I just shot a cannonball out of my bum-bum like a poop."  It did look like a cannonball, I'll give him that.

*Dylan was going too fast and fell of his Lightning bike.  He scraped his chin and knee.  He said, "I lost a piece of my face."  I was barely able to choke down my laugh.  He was so pitiful but his phrasing was so funny.

*Next month Dylan will be 4 years old.  He is excited for his Knights and Dragons party.  I can't wait to show you pictures of the knight armor Autrey made Dylan for his Halloween costume.  It is awesome! (I am going to have a friend help me sew Colton a dragon costume this week.  Wish me luck...rather, wish her a lot of patience!)

Colton's 17 Month Update:

*Colton got his 6th tooth on Oct 14th, the tooth to the right of his top front tooth.

*New words: "ayah-buh" (airplane...and points to it in the sky), "deuce" (juice...though he's only had it a few times, and VERY diluted), "buddy" (blueberry), "ba-dada" (banana...which he loves), "appa" (applesauce...another favorite), "chee" (cheese...you get it.  The kid is an eater), "hey," "hi," "owww," "shhhh" (while pointing finger on mouth or up his nose), "pee pee/poo poo" when he or anyone else goes, "ou" (out...when he wants out of his high chair or wants to go outside), "he-she" (horse-y)

*When you ask Colton a question, to answer 'no' he will push your hand away or ignore you, but will say "uh-huh" when the answer is 'yes'.

*He loves to eat, especially whatever anyone else is eating.  He will point and start saying "bite!" until he gets it.  And it doesn't matter that he has the same thing on his tray already.

*Colton loves to put raspberries on his fingers and eat them until I stop giving him more.  I know he's my child because he ate pineapple until it started burning his mouth, he cried because it hurt, then he cried and begged for more. 

*I finally took away his beloved comfort milk bottle cold turkey.  He wasn't thrilled for a couple days, but since he had already been drinking out of a sippy cup it wasn't a big deal to get rid of the bottle altogether.  I knew the longer I waited the harder it was going to be.

*Colton learned body parts 4-6: "no" (nose...that he likes to squeeze and say "beep, beep"), "head," and "tee" (teeth).

*Colton is pretty good at seeking when we play Hide and Seek, but his loud hiding and constant motion leave something to be desired.  Adds an element to the game.

*When we tell him we are going to say a prayer he folds his arms, bows his head, and squints his eyes.  At least for a while.  At the end he will say "ah-duh" (all done).

*He still has the sweetest laugh and the saddest cry ever.

*Any time he hears music he will frantically wave him arms to 'conduct' the song.

*When anyone calls to talk to him, especially Autrey, he kisses the phone, occasionally says "bye-bye," but generally he ends up hanging up on people when he kisses my screen.  As soon as he hears the front door unlock in the afternoon, he gets excited and yells, "Daddy!"

*He plays with cars and makes "beep" and "vroom" sound effects.

*He will "boo" everyone.

*One more month until my big boy goes into nursery by himself.  That will really help Autrey and I with our callings.  I went in during 2nd hour last week to substitute before I conducted RS 3rd hour and he had fun playing that hour, but we'll see how he does on his own.


*I moved up to Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred DVD, but then had severe neck pain for a few weeks and needed to take a break.

*So excited for my mom to come for a visit next week!

*I love decorating for Halloween!  I am so excited to dress up for trick or treating and then have Dylan's birthday party!