Yesterday we adjusted Dylan's training wheels to let him practice his balance while riding up and down the street for a bit before it rained. Today was the 1st day we took off Dylan's training wheels to let him ride by himself. He got the hang of it in about 15 minutes! (See the video below.) I was really impressed with him. He still needs a bit of help getting started and some of his dismounts are a bit precarious, but he's got it. BTW, I had him wear long pants, a long shirt, and "racing gloves" despite the warm weather because I had visions of repeated falls and wanted to avoid picking rocks out of cuts. Turns out he didn't need all that. No major falls and no tears...on day 1, at least. Yippee!
Pretty confident as he was making goofy faces:
Video of Dylan riding by himself down the street:
Not to be left out, Colton is learning how to "glide" on his balance bike:
Video of Colton "gliding" on his balance bike:
I see a lot of bike riding in our future!