Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tiffany and Red Head Ali come visit!

Tiffany Metzler (Herron now) flew out from PA to visit.  She lived next door to me since our family moved in when we were 3 years old.  She quickly became part of our family, the 5th Miller girl.  She helped me with most of my Saturday chores so I could play faster and ate as many of my mom's sugar pancakes and Hawaiian pizzas as I did growing up.  She is one of the reasons I was sad my parents moved to Utah.  I was afraid I wouldn't get to see her because I wasn't going to PA anymore, but she took care of it by coming down to TX.  Glad that Chad is a good sport and let me steal her for a few days.  The theme of the trip was purple: Purple shirts, grape fruit leather, and grape fruit snacks.
We went to the pirate ship park.  As a Parks and Rec guru it was right up her alley:

 Tiffany played a lot of Candy Land with us!  Colton is getting better with his colors:
 Ice cream every night.  Sad Blue Bell ice cream is not back in stores yet:
 Glass blowing shop in downtown Grapevine:
Checking out the fish at the Botanical Gardens:
 Playing at the park next to the Botanical Gardens:

 On a longhorn named Patron at the FW Stockyards.  (Maybe because he had a lot of kick, like the drink.  Haha.  I crack myself up.  Clearly, I have never tasted it.): 


 She will think of us at Christmas when she hangs this on her tree:
 Dinner at Joe T's, our favorite:
 Red Head Ali flew in from Utah 2 days after Tiffany flew out and spent Labor Day weekend with us.   She is a repeat visitor and has already been to the Stockyards, so we went to Mountasia fun center to go-kart, mini golf, and ride the rides.  
It's cute they thought they were going to beat me:
 The racers: 


  Colton had a death grip on my hand when I rode it with them:

 But warmed up to it by the time Red Head Ali had a turn:

Speaking of warm...we took a spicy drink break during Happy Hour at Sonic to cool down a bit before another round of golf and racing:

 Movie and ice cream night after a day in the hot sun.  Surprise, surprise:
 We gave Ali one of our Hawaiian Falls buddy passes and had a blast going down the big slides:

 Zipline racing:
 On our way from the zipline park to the music park:
 Hanging out with Cosmo Cougar on the way back from feeding the not-so-hungry ducks:

  I overestimated Colton's bike riding speed and energy in the heat of the day.  I ran all the way back to the zipline park to get the car while they played at the music/exercise park.  I earned my ice cream that day.  Ali finally got to be the damsel in distress...and gave Colt an emergency sucker while they waited.  Ever since our BYU days as roomies it's always been an adventure when Alison and I are together!:
I was so spoiled to have Tiffany and Red Head Ali visit me in the same week.  I love when we get visitors.  So, who's next?  You'll have a lot of fun and eat a lot of ice cream!