12/5/2017: Tonight Robbie's entire G-tube button and internal balloon were pulled completely out by accident. Everything. I saw the open hole in his body.
I've been dreading this happening since his surgery over 7 months ago, but thankfully it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it would be since Autrey was here to help hold him and plug the hole while l prepped the button and quickly put it back in. Plus his stomach wasn't full so leaking was minimal. And Robbie didn't cry or react AT ALL. He amazes me and is seriously the best baby ever.
I'm so glad his skin stoma has healed enough that this did not warrant a trip to the ER. As luck would have it, tomorrow we'll already be at Scottish Rite for multiple appointments so I can ask someone to take a look at it. Never a dull moment. #dodgedabullet #adventuresintubefeeding #earningmystripes #ineedanap