Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Hottie

The staff at the clinic where Autrey is "working" decided to all dress up on Friday with the theme of an 80's Prom. He looks pretty good to me. I mean, I would have gone to Prom with him. Brian, Autrey, Greg, and Jeff (Autrey's clinical instructor):
The rest of the office:
Unfortunately, I didn't dress up this year. (Actually, I hardly ever even get dressed these days. My wardrobe has consisted mainly of pjs for the past 7 weeks.) I just look like I swallowed a little pumpkin. My dad keeps telling me that he wants Dylan to be a November turkey and not an October pumpkin. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he is going to get his wish. If anyone wants to join in a friendly competition, I am taking bets on when Dylan's birthday will be. Guesses, anyone? (FYI: My official due date is November 30)


  1. I dont think there is a question this baby is coming early! just make it to at least 36 weeks. ; ) I am sooo happy you have done so well and you are doing such an amazing job proving what a good mommy you are already. Dylan is one lucky boy and may never realize your sacrifices but will never question your love for him.. Are you 35 weeks now? Keep up the GREAT work momma!!!

  2. Autrey looks great!!! Happy Halloween!! Dad has gotten his November turkey wish!!! My guess is November 11th or 12th---
    Sure love you all!!!

  3. November 14th-- mom took mine. :P

  4. You know I'm going for the 12th :)

  5. danggit shilo, I WANT MY NEPHEW!!! but please have my precious little dylan on the 11th that would be so great. 11-11-...09 BUT STILL 11:11

  6. I am voting for November 13 - next Friday - OH, I just realized that that would be Friday the 13th so I'm going to change to November 14th just so its not a, you know, nice day. So next Saturday should be good and I vote for early afternoon so I can come by in evening.

    And, I have a little confession to make her on the blog. Actually it has nothing to do with the blog but you were taking SO DANG LONG to finish up your grades (Gosh, girl, what is taking so long!!!!) that I started doing a little this and that and I started getting bored kids involved and before I knew it, by Monday, I had finished the dill dips. Sigh. But I'd still love to hang out.... I know, I know. I'm not a very good friend. I'll make it up to you.
