Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The First 2 Weeks

Autrey and I will be forever grateful to Dr. Shanon Forseter for all he did to make our dreams of parenthood a reality. It was a long and bumpy road, but he stuck with us through it all. He truly is a fantastic doctor. He is also one of the happiest and most caring people I know. Here he is with Dylan at my 2 week check up to make sure my C-section incision is healing properly:As of 4 am this morning, Dylan became cordless. I was changing his diaper after a feeding and he started peeing everywhere...again. As I was attempting to stop the fountain, he was kicking and his onesie got caught on the stump and pulled it out. Poor little guy. He took it like a champ: We had a good laugh at Dylan swimming in this sleeper:These other pictures were taken by G-ma the first few nights home from the hospital:

I just love this smiley little guy and love staring at him all day (and night) long!


  1. SWEET LITTLE GUY!!!! SO TINY!! he is a doll im so happy for you and glad he is here.

  2. He is so precious! Tommy was smiling so big as I scrolled down the pictures! We can't wait to see you guys! (I know I keep saying that but it's true!

  3. i love these!!
    p.s. i'll send you a picture of the finished portrait... and then you can descide if i should send it or not.. i'm thinking of going and annonymous rouit :)

  4. He's such a cutie! And so teensy! :)

  5. love the swimming picture! isn't it weird when the stub falls out..?

  6. Congrats he is so cute and tiny!
