Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Look What I Found, Mommy!


Last week Dylan discovered his body extends below his belly button. His toes are his favorite new toys. He has also started to do a breathy laugh, squeal, and put things in his mouth. He likes to scoot clockwise while laying on his back and is getting so close to rolling over from his back. As you can see, Dylan is chunking up slowly but surely. He is wearing 3 month clothes and just graduated to size 2 diapers. He is still sleeping through the night and continues to love lights and music. This video of Dylan playing with his feet was taken right before his nightly bath, where he has started to kick and splash:


  1. I dont know which is cuter the video or the baby talk on it! He does have cute toes I don't blame his new obsession with them..

  2. haha i love it!!! I also LOVE the way yo and Autrey are getting him excited with your baby talk!! hahaha LOVE IT
