Monday, September 20, 2010

Double Digit Midget

This is Dylan's favorite toy. Good call, G-ma! I should have known it would be a hit since it entertained Desiree' for over a half hour. It's ok, Boo. You know I'm easily amused too.
A little about what Dylan is up to at 10 months...

*He is a snuggler and puts his head on your chest when you are holding him. He will also crawl over to you and put his head on your stomach if you are laying on the ground, then lift his head and smile at you. He takes his best naps when he is snuggling with someone.

*He has started giving kisses all the time. He usually kisses my face and Autrey's forehead. However, he isn't opposed to kissing/sucking on people's arms, fingers, or toes (as Jamie Hanselman found out).

*I play peek-a-boo with Dylan all the time. He recently started pulling his bath towel over his own head while I am drying him off, then pulling it off again after 5 seconds with a huge grin on his face. We also play another version where I walk to another room and say "peek-a-boo" until he crawls after me. Hey, I gotta get stuff done somehow.

*At night I put Dylan in his crib awake and he has learned to put himself to sleep without much fussing after I leave the room. Last night he didn't even make a peep. No crying whatsoever. Knock on wood. (Some of you are thinking I am blowing smoke because you have seen him on vacation. Everything goes haywire on vacation. But, I will admit, our life has been so up in the air this summer he is not a good napper anymore. He cat naps. Dang it. ) I always go check on him before I go to bed, to make sure he is alright (read: breathing) and to see what position he is in the crib. He is always curled up in some way near his little elephant that sings 'Rock a Bye Baby'. It may also be because it is the side closest to the door and his night light, but who knows.

*Dylan loves to go for the fridge, dishwasher, oven, and cupboards when I open them. He is fast, so I have to be quick. He also opens and closes bedroom doors that haven't latched.

*Dylan is an explorer and climber. He will stand on toys to get stuff sitting on the coffee table. One day he would have made it all the way on top if I wouldn't have stopped him.

*He understands "no" and sometimes hesitates before he does what he wants anyway.

*Dylan loves books and his job is to turn the pages.

*Dylan loves music. Since my car only plays laughing...we listen to the Brite tapes I grew up with. I still know all the words. Oh, Ali. I miss the days we used to rock out in the car. Kid music just isn't the same. And my co-pilot doesn't talk, let alone sing.

*Dylan now eats more textured foods, even though he is a toothless wonder. He loves spaghetti and 15-grain bread. He will say, "Num num num" while he is eating. I brought out the sippy cup again to see if he will take it this time. Still working on it.

*Get this. Dylan loves to flush the toilet. See, boys really can do it. I thought the sound would scare him, but he loves it. Cracks me up. I feel like the fun police because I've only let him do it twice. And I don't let him unroll the toilet paper.

*Dylan started doing the hand waving motion all the time. I think it's because we point and wave at our collage of family pictures everyday. ("Night night, _______.") I am trying to get him to consistently wave at actual people and to give high 5.
*Dylan is my little shadow. He follows me around all day and wants to do what I do. Actually, he is trying to play with the computer now, so I gotta go...


  1. just thought I would...should,,,keep up the noisy, music toys!! He looks very strong and happy!!
    Brite tapes bring back a ton of great memories!!

  2. Shilo...nothing beats you and me singing in the car. Nothing. Miss your stinkin' guts!!
