My big boy just chillaxin':
Rockin' the post nap bedhead:
Multi-tasking while talkin' to Mimi:
Video of Dylan singing his ending to "London Bridges" as "...My fair ladyBUG":
Proof that he is:
*Dylan got tooth # 10, it was the 4th tooth in about 2 weeks. This one was on his bottom right side, with space between it and his front teeth. It looks like he has 4 windows in his mouth.
*Out of his mouth: "belly button" "fishes" (also for whales and sharks) "cock-a-looda-loo" (cock-a-doodle-doo) "Come on, Shilo. Hold my hand." "I need some milk please." "I don't want it." "Gimme 5" "Ready, set, go!" "I love you very much!" "Thunder, ka-boom!" "For cryin' ou(t) loud" "Goodness sake" "Supa-man" (He has Superman jammies)
*When we read Eric Carle's book "From Head to Toe" he says, "Clap your hands" and "I can do it! Yeah!" (The "Yeah" comes from me getting excited when he would say it.)
*He can sing almost all of "I am a Child of God" and "Twinkle, Twinkle." He sings the "up" and "down" parts of "London Bridges" with his special ending. He laughs so hard during the chorus of "This Old Man." I am trying to get better footage of this, but performing on cue is not his specialty.
*It used to be when I told him, "Say please" he would just repeat "Please." Now he adds in the word "said" so it sounds like he's giving ME the command. "Say please, mama. Good mannas, sweet-a-bug!" I am going to be rendered obsolete if he keeps this up.
*He is learning to eat with a fork. He will say, "Poke it the fork. You did it, Di-yan!" Again, his own best cheerleader.
*He will hold his toy camera and say "Say cheese. Good one." Familiar?
*When he is deciding which book to read he will say, "Let's do..." It's the same thing I say when I am deciding what to feed him or what song to sing next.
*When he sees Tyler or Joey making grunting noises he says, "Push it out, ____." Yup, I say that too.
*Tommy and Dylan love to "steam roll-a" each other.
*He had his 1st escape from Mimi's porta-crib. He didn't fall. He climbed out and came to the top of the stairs. When he saw me he proudly called, "Hi, mama!" Turkey.
*Mimi taught Dylan how to successfully drink from a straw. Who knew all it would take is some cherry limeade?
*He still loves his bike and asks to go on a "bicycle ride" with his "heh-met."
*For a while when he would realize it was time to go to nursery he would fuss but would stop either when he got a toy or as the door was closing behind Autrey or I. This last week he didn't fuss or really even say good bye. He has Christi Taylor, his nursery leader, wrapped around his finger.
*Ever since we went to Houston this last time and Dylan was around Maggie and Tommy, every time we change his "diapoo" he says, "I go potty big by" (I go potty like a big boy). I put him on the toilet, and though he has only tooted twice he sure gets a kick out of trying. When he is done sitting on it he will say, "All done, Di-yan?" I have visions of him potty training himself. A girl can dream, right?
he is as cute as a BUG :-)