Friday, November 18, 2011

Woo Hoo, Dylan's 2!

This morning Dylan and I each had doctor appointments. I really like Dylan's new pediatrician, Dr. K. She's really nice. Here are his latest stats:

Head Circumference: 19.7 in. (85%)

Weight: 31.6 lbs. (85%)

Height: 36.25 in. (90%)

Generally, the rule is you take a child's height at 2 years old and double it to get their projected adult height. Dr. K. says that he will most likely be about 6'1'' or 6'2''. Not too shabby. Not nearly as tall as G-pa, but I'll take it. At least he'll be taller than I am. I'm about eye level with most of the men I'm surrounded by and it'll be nice to not feel so huge all the time.

And the latest update:

*When you ask him what his name is he will say "Duke." But when I start the sentence "My name is..." he will say "Di-yan Duke."

*When you ask, "How old are you?" He will say, "How old are you? I'm 2!"

*He counts to 10 all by himself, but doesn't have 1 to 1 matching yet. (See videos below)

*"Let's drive the train. I can do it." (8 word utterance) "You hear that? I hear the laundry. I do hear the laundry." (12 word utterance, after he heard the dryer buzzer go off)

*He consistently points out and says "extavator" (excavator) whenever he sees a real or toy one. He also knows the difference between a dump truck, loader, fire truck, ambulance, police car, motorcycle, airplane, "helicoptu" (helicopter), "cool bus" (school bus), train, boat, mail truck, garbage truck, and just about anything else I've forgotten that 'goes' and calls them by name as soon as he sees one.

*Dylan must think Old MacDonald is a dairy farmer. He only has cows when Dylan is choosing the animals to sing.

*He LOVES to read "Eensy Weensy Spider" and "The Toy Box". He has asked me to read both of them at least twice a day for at least a week or so. He is starting to be able to quote it.

*He Loves to sing the "Itsy Spider" and "Mary Song" (Mary Had a Little Lamb) many times every day. Who knew my kid would like spiders so much.

*When he gets really sad he sticks his lower lip out. But luckily it doesn't happen often, but he did get 3 more teeth this month within 1 1/2 weeks and was quite fussy. Luckily all his holes are now filled in so we should be good for a while. (read: We can lay off the Tylenol for a while.)

*He will say "good listening" when he obeys directions, and will tell you the rule he just broke when he doesn't listen. All without prompting.

*When I tell him we're going to the park or nursery, etc. he immediately says, "Be nice to the kids" and starts singing "Sharing our toys is fun to do, fun to do, fun to do..."

*He will want you to sit at his Lightning McQueen table with him and listen to him say prayers. He always prays for Mater, McQueen, his trucks, mom, and dad. You know, the important things. In that order.

*He was given a hexagon shaped cracker and popped out with "octagon." Very close. I was impressed.

*When I am putting him down for a nap, he and I make a 'hand tower,' which amuses him to bring his hand from the bottom to the top.

*He is like a puppy. He loves to play 'fetch' with a ball in the yard.

*He loves to sit in the driver's seat and 'drive'. He can also put the key in the ignition all by himself.

We went to the park for Family Home Evening:

And then fed the ducks. It was his 1st time. He loved it!:

Some fun videos:

Feeding the ducks:

Counting to 10 at the park and swinging:

And lest you think that counting was a fluke:

Singing "Itsy Spider":

Daddy is great at random physical comedy. Funny what makes them laugh. Music to my ears:

Doing both of his transportation vehicle puzzles simultaneously:

Happy birthday, sweetie bug!

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