Sunday, April 22, 2012

29 Month/34 Week Update

Dylan's 29 Month Update:

*He learned how to go potty sitting down, facing backwards.  Now he is able to go peepee standing up like daddy.  Who knew Autrey could teach him so fast by letting him go potty on a tree once in the park. *shaking head*

*Dylan plopped on the couch next to me and said, "I would really like to talk.  Let's talk."

*He asks, "How was your fun today?" (How was your day? + Did you have fun today?)

*For responses in the affirmative he used to say: "Yes, of course not."  Now he says, "Of course, mom/dad."

*(Driving in the car)
  Dylan: "There's a water tower, mama."
  Me: "I don't see it, buddy."
  Dylan: "Clearly that's a water tower."
  (It was far away and I didn't see it at first.)

 *Me: "See the moving truck?"
  Dylan: "It's actually a moving van."
  (And he was right.)

*Me: "Don't play with that. Throw it away."
  Dylan: "We need to recycle it."  (Once again, he was right.)

*"I'm a boy.  Mama's a gril (girl)."

*T-I-double rrrr, that spells Tigger."  Close enough.  He loves to bounce around and tackle people like Tigger.

*Mom, come show me something." Is what he says when he wants to show me something.

*A pigeon landed on his backyard playhouse and he yelled, "Duck, don't touch my house!  Don't get my house dirty, it's perfectly clean!" And no, it's not my fault he said it.  He's been watching Curious George and one episode is about George getting the man's perfectly clean yellow hat dirty.

*He will sing "Kung Fu Panda, Legends of Awesomeness.  Sweet!" just like the show intro song.

*I was on my way to the bathroom and he runs past me saying, "I have to go potty.  Please move, it's Dylan's turn!"

*When he spills something he says, "It was an accident.  Gotta be careful."

*He likes to close doors behind him.

*When he comes back into a room he says, "Hey, I'm back now."

*To the bunny living under our deck: "Bunny, my Honey, where are you?" (He calls all bunnies Bunny, my Honey because of the Easter book Mimi gave him.)  Then looks up at me and says, "I want to boo him." (scare him)

*When you say something to him, he will sometimes say "What?" repeatedly.

*When he really likes something, he will say, "I love it!  I love it!  I love it!" just like I do.

*He likes to help me.  He helps me unload the utensil at a time. 

*When he sees the picture of wild boars in his zoo book he gets mixed up and says, "All aboard" like a train conductor.

*He likes to play with stickers and put them on his belly and toy trucks.

*He says, "I want to play cars for a minute" when we tell him to clean up his cars and he's not ready to be done.

Colton's 34 Week Update:

*When I went to the doctor's this week for my weekly appointment, they said that everything looked great.  The Lovenox injections are doing their job, because he is measuring a week ahead of schedule.  Looks like he will be born bigger than Dylan as long as I can keep him from escaping.  I'm glad, because Dylan was such a tiny little peanut at 5 lb. 13 oz., wearing preemie clothes for over 2 months.  And boy is he a kicker.  He is constantly kicking the ribs on my left side, with gusto.  Getting excited to meet the little guy in a few weeks!

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