Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dylan 32 Month/Colton 2 Month Update (Post Utah Trip)

We've all been a little (or a lot) tired lately.  Good thing Colton is so snuggly and likes taking naps while he's being held:
I hadn't seen a lot of "Frankie" (what we call all the geckos in our yard) until recently.  One night I was sitting in the recliner nursing and saw 2 of them on the outside of the window.  This past weekend we spent hours pulling up weeds and junk plants in our yard...I'm really sore.  Unfortunately we needed to pull up what had turned into a Frankie Hotel.  I'm sure they will find a new home:
Tummy time is a family event:
...and exhausting for the little guy.  He has fallen asleep a few times in this position:
Dylan is my sous chef and master taste tester.  A very impatient one at that:
But so cute
and so happy!
Dylan 32 month update:

*"How fun is that?"

*He saw a plastic Walmart bag and surprised me by saying, "That says Walmart."

*He took a drink out of my water bottle and said, "Thanks for sharing, mom."

*Sitting on the counter helping me stir: "I'm a good chef."

*'ing' ending is 'enen' to him (i.e.-getting comes out gettenen)

*Autrey: "Want to go to work with me?"
  Dylan: "I want to pick up some money."

*Dylan didn't want to put his cars away so he told me, "Feed baby Colton" to distract me.

*"Where's Colton's booby?  He wants a drink.  He wants his  milk."

*We followed a garbage truck on our walk...for 1 block.  That's as long as I could stand the smell before taking an alternate route.  Even Dylan noticed: "That garbage truck went poop like a good garbage truck." 

*Speaking of which, he continues to have some accidents and isn't back to where he was before Colton was born.  Too bad, because he was completely potty trained...and had less of an attitude with us.

*Dylan had so much fun with Ashlyn and Jackson in Utah.  Dylan and Jackson would have these cute conversations.  It was like watching 2 Furby toys communicating, but they understood each other.

*We rode a horse named Dunny.  After 3 weeks Dylan still remembers his name.

Colton 2 month update:

*Head: 15.2 cm
  Height: 22 in (20th %) -- Dylan was also 22 inches at this age
  Weight: 10 lbs 14 oz (30th %) -- Dylan was 8 lbs 9 oz at this age

*This appointment was the 1st time either of my boys have had a higher percentage in weight than height.  Colton is chunkier and has the cutest rolls at the top of his legs.  He is a little bigger than Dylan was, but otherwise looks exactly the same.  Pete and Repeat.

*Colton is smiling all the time, especially after he hasn't seen us for a while.  He is also cooing and starting to imitate sounds.  His fun factor is definitely higher now.  It melts my heart.

*He is strong and lifting his head well.

*Colton is very twitchy and has a strong startle reflex.

*He is doing the "bow and arrow" position with his arms.

*His pediatric orthopedic doctor said at his past appointment that his foot is making progress.  Just have to keep stretching it.

*He still prefers to be held, but is getting better about being put down for short stints.

*I'm still working on sleep training him and getting a routine established.  He has teased me with sleeping 5-6 1/2 hours in a row a few times, but that is NOT the norm.  (At 2 months, Dylan slept 7 hours in a row the 1st time.)  Also, he goes down fairly well for naps but will frequently wake up immediately after 5 minutes or after 30-45 minutes and I have to settle him down all over again for the other half of his nap. 

*Part of his sleeping problem may be tied to his eating.  I have gotten him down to 20 minutes per side, but after 2 hours he wants to eat again.  Getting mastitis last week didn't help with that endeavor. 

*His head is a little bit flatter on the right side, but we are working on more tummy time and laying on the left side.

*I have taken both boys on an airplane ride to Utah, to the Southlake library, and to a few doctor visits by myself.  For the most part they've done really well.  Today I'm going to attempt a quick trip to Walmart.  Wish me luck.

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