Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday, Darth Vader Colton!

On Colton's request we went to Altitude Trampoline Park for his 4th birthday party.  It was a blast!  Thanks, G-ma and G-pa for the Stormtrooper and Kylo Ren action figures.  They were great table decorations! 

The candles were lit and everyone was about to sing:

After blowing out his candles on his Star Wars cupcakes there were Darth Vader, R2-D2, and C-3PO rings on the top for the kids to have and Dark Side cupcakes to eat:

Grayson wasn't able to be there the entire time, but we were glad he came!
Dodge ball!
Knocking over the tower into the foam pit.  They love this:

Kate came with Carson.  We miss seeing her in preschool with Dylan now that they are in kindergarten in different schools:
Koen charging the tower:
And Autrey messing with him:

Colt's turn:

So determined.  Love his facial expressions!

 Sidways videos of Colton knocking over towers. I forgot to hold my camera the other way. Oops:
Opening presents:
Bath crayons and race car from Carson:
Flying Ninjango from Barron and Brantley:
Storm Trooper speeder from Rogan:
Rubble Paw Patrol and Matchbox cars from Grayson:

Remote control Thunder Tumbler car from Koen and Beckham:
Hockey sticks from Tommy and Tyler:
Walkie-Talkies and sunglasses from us:
MicroMachine Star Destroyer from G-ma and G-pa:
Handing our Darth Vader kit favors:

Thanks for making it possible to have the party at Altitude, Mimi and Papa!  We really appreciate it!
The Darth Vader balloon from G-ma and G-pa was huge!  Since it has been home it was been in some epic light saber duels with the boys and is holding up well:
Playing with the Star Destroyer:
Dylan was a fan of this one as well, assembling it himself.  What a good big brother:
Happy 4th birthday, Darth Vader Colton!  I love your laugh, your adorable high-pitched voice, your big eyes and amazing facial expressions, your wild stories, your happy-go-lucky personality, your love of sports and learning, your energy, your independence, your courage, your epic wipeouts and war wounds, your hugs, your snuggles, your kisses.  May the Force always be strong with you!

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