Dylan's 2nd year of Let's Play Music with Ms. Kaytie Brown's class:
We sure love her!
Dylan playing a solo for "I'm an Indian," his favorite song of the year:
Dylan playing a solo for "Shake My Sillies Out":
Video of the class singing "Don't Put Your Trash in My Backyard" and "The Pirate Song" puppet show were too long to include here. I really should figure out how to remedy that...
Dylan ready to go to Ranger stadium with the school for completing his Million Word Challenge. Gonna toot my own horn and say that we read and logged 419 books at home this year, the most in his class:
He insisted he wear his Mets hat:
This is the end of the year teacher gift I made for Miss Hunter. I took it to lunch when I ate with Dylan one day and had the kids in her class all sign it. It didn't seem right without Trey's name, so I mailed it to Melinda in North Carolina so he could sign it too. We miss their family!
Kinder graduation. Dylan on the top row, of course:
Video of Miss Hunter reading off Dylan's awards. He got quite a few! (He also was given the sportsmanship award by the PE teacher, but I didn't know it was coming to video that one. The songs the kindergarteners all sang were too long to post):
We LOVED Miss Hunter!
And she was sooo good to Colton, inviting him to all the class parties:
Sad the graduation was at 8:30 am so Autrey had to miss it. (His 6 remaining days off are already needed for our trip to Ruidoso in July and Desiree's wedding in August):
Tyson sat with us since Meredith was helping with the cake and punch after the ceremony:
I made this shirt for Dylan (and a 2030 one for Colton). It will be fun to see him grow into it over the years. Hope I guessed correctly by getting a men's large...
Dylan LOVED everything about kindergarten and had a great year!
He's so ready to be a 1st grader!
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