Monday, December 12, 2016

G-ma and G-pa Come to Visit!

G-ma and G-pa came to visit last week to have fun and help out...and be the kid clothing delivery service, courtesy of Southwest Airlines.  They went to lunch at Dylan's school a few times:
Colton helped make strawberry "G-ma jam" and 4 dozen cinnamon rolls for us and our friends.  G-ma and G-pa were here 5 days and I had one cinnamon roll each day.  That's a good 5 days!:

G-pa was timing the boys running on the treadmill and going up and down the stairs so they could burn some of their energy.  They got sweaty and insisted they take off their shirts.  After that they watched the new Jungle Book movie.  I'm just glad they didn't take off their pants and go full Mowgli for the occasion:
The primary had a temple program night we went to.  Then we stayed and did a few sealings.  I'm glad I didn't attempt to do an entire session because I was getting lightheaded and dizzy for the short amount of time I was there.  But I'm glad we got to go inside before Robbie comes because it may be a while before I get to go again:


 My dear friend, Hailey, lost her husband, Chris, the day my parents flew in.  He went into a coma on Nov 16 while completing his last physical test to become a police officer due to a disease that deteriorates muscle and ruins the kidneys.  She is due to have her 2nd child (a boy) the week before I do.  My heart aches for her and I will miss her so much.  We brought her over some cinnamon rolls so I could say goodbye before she flew to Idaho for the funeral and to live with her family:
 Love mom's shirt...and stripes are not my friend right now:

 They gave the boys their Christmas presents early.  Legos, of course:
 It was supposed to be a fun Sunday activity, but Dylan was waaaay too excited to wait.  My friend, Meredith Breinholt, sent me this text when she picked him up from school after he was given the Legos-
When I picked him up at school he could hardly wait to tell me all about it.  Seriously at the top of his lungs - "Miss Meredith!  I'm building a new SALT LAKE TEMPLE!!!"  This lady looked over like "whaaaaat?"
 It has 1,540 pieces and the box says it is for kids 12+.  However, Dylan completed it with minimal help in 4 days:
 Day 1:
 Autrey also helped Colt put his Star Wars guy together:
 Day 2:
 Day 3:
 Day 4:
Can't wait until mom comes back in January when Robbie is born on her birthday!!!

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