Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Our Christmas Card this year. (This is a picture I took of one of the actual cards, since the website wouldn't let me copy it or save it to another location. Figures they wouldn't trust people like me to do something like this. So you will have to settle for this lower quality version for the blog. Sorry. It's the thought that counts, right?) Merry Christmas, everyone! We love you!!!

Love, Autrey, Shilo, Dylan, & Baby BOY Duke

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Grapevine Polar Express Train

Mimi and Papa were here the past 2 days and took Dylan on his 1st REAL train ride on the Grapevine Polar Express. He was so excited before we even got there. He was wearing his train conductor overall outfit, but it was too cold to go without his big jacket over top of it. Here we are in front of the train. Dylan, of course, had his eyes glued on it in fascination:All aboard!
Lookin' out the window:
Santa brought Dylan a giant bell necklace. He has been wearing it every waking moment since that ride. (He is napping as we speak. The only way I could coax it off him was to have him put it around his elephant's neck, who sleeps with him. I was ok with that, since elephant won't accidently choke himself.) It's fairly loud. I know where he is at ALL times. I'm not sure if I want to feed him grass or throw money at him. Also, Dylan saw me trying to put his souvenir ticket with our other family keepsakes and he insisted on carrying it around. Too soon, I guess. He was pretty cute waving at Santa and saying, "Merry Christmas, Santa!"
Fun little train ride. Although, they had a very energetic pre-teen 'elf' MCing the ride. She came out of nowhere and shouted/asked me what I wanted for Christmas. Scared me so bad I about jumped on Autrey's lap. She did make it up to me by taking this picture after my heart stopped racing:

Thanks for the ride and the fun shopping weekend, Mimi and Papa! I got a sneak peek and Santa is being very generous this year!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Stockyard Santa

Aunt Elaine and Aunt B were awesome enough to come down to be with us to help take care of Dylan (and the rest of us) while I had my cerclage on Friday. I had slept enough and was hopped up on enough vicodin that I felt well enough to go to the Fort Worth Stockyards with them Saturday night to get out of the house for a little while. We saw a Texan Santa: The funniest thing? This video of Autrey chicken roping:

We came home and Autrey finished building Dylan's tool bench. With the help of his assistant, of course:
Dylan loved it! He's a regular Bob the Builder.