Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Playing in San Marcos

Playing in Tommy's crib in San Marcos. They were sailing in a ship, of course:Playing in the leaves: Playing at the park:
Cute video of Dylan swinging:

More swinging:

Playing on the train:

Monday, November 29, 2010

San Marcos Birthday Party

The Dallas Crew met up with Mona, Doug, Lori, and Maggie in San Marcos for the weekend. It is near San Antonio, in case you are wondering. We celebrated Dylan's birthday all together. Dylan's singing Elmo card was a big hit: The birthday cake:This is what happens when you don't have any matches: Face first...the only way to eat cake: We gave him sugar, but no bubbly:A video of Dylan going to town on his cake:

Washing off the frosting: Notice the blue boogers in Dylan's nose: All clean, and everyone wearing new jammies from Mimi:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Big ONE

Weight: 20.14 lbs (25 percentile)
Height: 30.2 in (50 percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.5 cm (50 percentile)
Diaper size: day-3, night-4
Shoe Size: 3 and 4
Clothes size: 12 months

*Dylan is very strong. The nurses in Missouri and Texas have commented at each one of his check ups that he is stronger than most babies they have seen. They usually are telling me as I am trying to assist them in restraining him to be measured for length and for his shots. He still does NOT like to lay down on his back and diaper changing is more like a hog tying event. He is also strong enough to pull himself up onto the coffee table. Fantastic.

*He loves to go outside or even just LOOK outside. He loves looking out the big window in our bedroom and waving goodbye to Autrey.

*Dylan is getting better at feeding himself. He also takes drinks of water from his sippy cup during meals...before he hucks it to the ground.

*He never brought non-food objects to his mouth until recently, and it still doesn't occur often. The kid is sure acting like he may be getting teeth soon, but he may not.

*When you lean your head close to his, he will bring his forehead to touch yours in sort of a forehead kiss.

*It kind of sounds like he is saying "Ok" and "Yup." It's funny when he says it after I ask him a question.

*He is cruising all over the place. He can stand unsupported, but doesn't often. He loves to walk with his push toy.
*He will sometimes sway to music.

*Current nicknames: Buddy, many random forms of 'sugar': suga, sug, sugabuga, buga

*Before I went to PA in October, Dylan started having trouble sleeping past 6 am and was not napping well. He was usually pleasant except for when I put him in his crib to nap and didn't act hungry so I didn't realize it was the problem. The night mom gave him supplemental formula, his sleep immediately improved. He generally now sleeps from 9 pm -9 am with one nap that lasts about 2 hours, give or take an hour...haha. (I chose to wait until Autrey got home to put him to bed, in case you are wondering why he had a late bedtime.) Now that Autrey is working earlier hours I am going to try putting Dylan down earlier, so we are still working out our schedule. However, I am thrilled to find out the solution was as easy as a few extra bottles a day. It is also helping me to gradually wean him. He is also drinking cow's milk. Yay!

*Desiree' took these fabulous pictures scattered throughout my mushy birthday letter to Dylan:

Dear Dylan,

I love you more than I can adequately express in words. Your dad and I wanted you to be part of our family so much. We prayed every day for a long time before we had the privilege to become your parents. One year ago, you changed our lives forever. Our lives instantly seemed to revolve around you, and we wouldn't have it any other way. You were so tiny and beautiful when you were born. We loved to hold you and stare at you. You were a happy baby from the start. Who could resist this smile?
Not us, that's for sure. And you sure look good in a suit, by the way.You are very smiley, easy going,active, talkative,silly, and curious.Amidst the recent hectic schedule and big life changes in our family, you were such a good sport. You brought me happiness and peace after long days at work. You've been my airplane buddy and traveling companion on frequent trips to visit family members.
Your dad always missed you the times he couldn't come with us.
Your face would always light up when you heard his voice on the phone. You have the best facial expressions. Sometimes you get so excited you look a little crazy in pictures,especially when you are being thrown in the air. You love that. I promise you are laughing really hard in this picture and not screaming at me.Being with you brings us such joy.Not every day is perfect and neither am I. There are some days I am glad you will not remember as I make mistakes learning how to be a parent. Other days it makes me sad you won't remember the time we spent together this year. Since we moved to Texas, most of the day it's just you and me. I will always treasure that time. And I'm crying now. I better hurry before it gets too blurry to type.I am trying to take pictures and record memories so I can tell you about our times going to the playground and dog parks, swimming at the pool, reading your favorite books, singing songs, making a mess of your food, playing peek-a-boo, looking out the window, crawling around the house exploring with you, splashing in the bathtub, and cuddling at the beginning and ending of each day. Your dad loves spending time with you. It makes my heart smile to watch you two together. Two peas in a pod. Your dad plays with you, holds you, wrestles with you, watches baseball and football games on tv with you, feeds you, gives you baths, and cuddles with you. One of his favorite things to do is to rock you to sleep. Just this weekend I walked out of the bedroom to see you both sleeping in the chair with you laying on his chest. We get so excited watching you grow and learn new things. We are so proud of you and tell everyone about you. I want you to know how special you are. You will always be mommy's sweetheart and daddy's little buddy. You are our sunshine, our miracle.
Mommy :)