Saturday, November 9, 2019

Brick 'em Young Salt Lake Temple

Videos of Robbie Walking in Walker

First consecutive steps using a walker!
This one is another loaner from ECI, but insurance approved one that is specific to his needs and measurements. We have an appt to go pick it up on the 31st, BEFORE the deductible starts over. 🎉🎉🎉 #23months #Arthrogryposis #AMCstrong

Robbie got his very own fancy schmancy gait trainer today, just in time! I’m really excited about what this new year will bring for our family. A chance to thrive, instead of merely survive like we have been the last few years.🤞🏻Happy New Year’s Eve! 🎉🎉🎉

Christmas 2018

I am SO bummed it is so cold any rainy for the Reindeer Romp. I couldn’t justify taking Robbie out in this and risk him getting sick again so close to his next surgery in January, so the big boys went without us. 😢
All 3 of them ended up doing BOTH the 1 mile and 5k races. Colton apparently got in the stroller for 15 seconds during the 1 mile until a classmate called him a baby and he got out and ran the rest of both races. I hate name calling but today I wanna give that girl a high five! I never thought he would go 4 miles.
Hope they will have enough energy for their basketball games this afternoon!

Church Party:

At Six Flags Holiday in the Park:

ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) Christmas party in Fort Worth. The best part about having a party for kids under 3 yrs old was there were 3 different Santas taking pictures to keep the lines short and none of the little ones questioned it...or even noticed.🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻

Mrs. Thompson's Class Party:
Grapevine Main Street:

1st Wizarding World Trip 2018

Day 1 is in the books! So excited to have some time with the big kids! And happy 60th birthday, Dad! #DumbledoresArmy #harrypottermakesushappy

Day #2. We were the parade “Family of the Day.” We decided the warm (scalding hot) butter beer is the best kind!

Day #3 Highlights: Diagon Alley, Gringotts, Knight Bus, Hogwarts, and souvenir shopping with piggy bank money. #Always

4th and final day. The rain didn’t slow us down too much. I was able to get Colton to ride almost all of the interactive rides, but he basically rode with his head buried in his hands or my lap for most of them. And he has vowed to NEVER ride The Mummy again. Dylan, Ashlyn, and I absolutely loved The Hulk and The Rockit roller coasters. We rode each 3 times in a row. So glad we went early in December when the crowds weren’t so bad.
Thanks G-Ma and G-pa for such a magical trip! I still marvel they brought a suitcase full of 40 t-shirts, 10 homemade Harry Potter blankets, house banners, and 2 felt Christmas trees to hang and decorate in the condo. So much fun. The shirts made it easier to keep tabs on the children. I think I was counting to 6 in my head on loop...but no one got lost. Mission complete! ⚡️
Also, a huge shout out to Meredith Anderson Breinholt for driving us to the airport, and the trio of Hannah Moore JenksTamara Burraston, and Sandra Cooper for taking care of Robbie and his G-tube needs while Autrey was at work. This time with my older boys would not have been possible without the help of my village. I know it was a big favor to ask!❤️ #love

At Ollivander's Wand Shop with the different wands G-ma, G-pa, Dylan, Colton, and I chose: