Friday, November 8, 2019

Utah (July 2018) (Add Grandpa's Blessing Video Later)

***Grandpa Holdaway's Blessing Video for Robbie was too big to put on here, but it is special.

Flying by myself with the boys was a success! We went technology free and it turned out to be much more fun. Dylan read aloud to Colton from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, they made little cardboard replicas of planes, they looked out the window, ate snacks, played with the ice in their drinks, and we taught Robbie how to feed us grapes. Simple pleasures.
Oh, but FYI, you know what bringing a carry-on like this while holding a baby wearing metal leg braces gets you? A lot of incredulous looks*, your hands and EVERYTHING else unpacked and tested, and a very personal pat down. Dylan called it a free massage. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️You should have seen the guy’s face when he opened up Robbie’s feeding pump backpack. There ended up being 4 different people helping make sure the contents were I fed them to my child. #48suspiciousformulacontainers
*The TSA agents were polite and professional, they just weren’t exactly sure what to do to clear our medical stuff and needed reinforcements. No big deal. My boys patiently waited and liked the scanning machines. I just wish there was an easier way besides checking it with my other suitcases and risking things being damaged or lost.
My carry on that cased a raucous with TSA:
Lunch at Carl's Jr.:

Video of Dylan trotting on a horse:

 Colton playing Quidditch:
Dylan playing Quidditch:

Carter's Blessing Day with Redhead Ali and Best Friend Kyle:


Our busy calendar of things we wanted to do, at the end of the trip:

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