Wednesday, April 3, 2019

1st time G-tube pulled out

12/5/2017: Tonight Robbie's entire G-tube button and internal balloon were pulled completely out by accident. Everything. I saw the open hole in his body.
I've been dreading this happening since his surgery over 7 months ago, but thankfully it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it would be since Autrey was here to help hold him and plug the hole while l prepped the button and quickly put it back in. Plus his stomach wasn't full so leaking was minimal. And Robbie didn't cry or react AT ALL. He amazes me and is seriously the best baby ever.
I'm so glad his skin stoma has healed enough that this did not warrant a trip to the ER. As luck would have it, tomorrow we'll already be at Scottish Rite for multiple appointments so I can ask someone to take a look at it. Never a dull moment. #dodgedabullet #adventuresintubefeeding #earningmystripes #ineedanap

Thanksgiving 2017

Dylan's Nerf War 7th Birthday at The Battlefield

Dino Exhibit at Hughes

Robbie's 10 Month Pics (from Nov 2017)

Nov 8: Prayers for Robbie requested! He has thrown up twice, is congested, snotty, coughing, and fussy. He just had an armpit temp of 103.1* and rectal of 105.2*. Autrey is on the way to Urgent Care with him since Colt has been home sick for 3 days with lesser symptoms (like many other friends in our area) and he gave it to me last night so I'm not in good condition to go myself. We go to doctors all the time, but he's never really been sick-sick before. 😪
Happy 10 months! (A few days late, but the ENTIRE family had the flu last week, so it was survival mode at its finest.) Before the flu he was 28.5 in. (70th%), 17 lb. 9 oz. (18th%), and in the 10th% for proportion of height to weight. I can't pick my favorite out of these, so you get them all. You're welcome! 😁

Bell Helicopter Alliance Air Show (from Oct. 2017)

When your Brother-in-Law works for Bell Helicopter and gets a parking pass, you go straight from the baseball field to join in the Air Show festivities. Thanks, Matthew Taylor Duke!
It was fun to see everything up close: 

Halloween 2017

1st pumpkin patch for Robbie...and the 1st time the older boys played hooky from school for a few hours. It just seemed wrong to go without them and we are too busy to battle the crowds this weekend, so we went this morning. Don't worry, I told their teachers and the attendance secretary about our little field trip. The only thing they wanted me to do was show them pictures. That, I can do! Dylan said it was "the best morning ever." I agree, especially because Robbie said MAMA for the first time at the pumpkin patch!
Field Trip with Parents as Teachers to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch:


Trunk or Treat. I truly Marvel (see what I did there) at what The Husband can make out of cardboard, PVC pipe, spray paint, metal fasteners, rope, and a blanket. And that wig...🤣 Thanks for helping me make the Baby Groot costume, Sherrie-Kaye Holdaway Miller
 In anticipation for Avengers: Infinity War we dressed up as
Thor, Black Widow, Iron Man, Hulk, and Baby Groot:

Minecraft pumpkins for the school decorating contest:
Dylan's teacher told me a girl in the class said, "I'm going to be a witch for Halloween."

Dylan responded, "But you're too pretty to be a witch."

Smooth. Kid's got game. And he wasn't even trying.