Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving in Utah

Since my parents went with the aunts and uncles/grandma and grandpa Holdaway on a Hawaiian cruise (I'm not jealous in the least *cough, cough*) we went with the Duke's to Utah for Thanksgiving so we could attend Tyler's blessing. Ironically, that's the event I don't have any pictures from. I'll have to steal some from Allyson's blog, after she takes a break from unpacking her new house to post them.

The Children's Museum: Corn clean up on aisle 5!The helicopter on the museum's roof: Video of Dylan dancing to the jukebox music with Maggie at the rental house:

Chilling with their string cheese on the warm windowsill:The ADORABLE turkey shirt I made with some of my ward friends:The Hogle Zoo on Black Friday, after we slept in until 8am thankyouverymuch:The Hogle Train:Mimi's Christmas outfits:D'ya hear there were some cute bears at Temple Square to see the lights? It was cold enough there to have Dylan put on his Lightning McQueen snow boots. There was snow when we first got there, but it melted when it rained. Oh, well: Video of Maggie and Dylan running down the hill outside the rental house:

We were lucky enough to see Aunt Elaine and Aunt Brenda twice while we were there. They took us to Guadalahonky's for dinner the night before we flew home: A better one of B:Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful to be in my 2nd trimester! Woo hoo!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Woo Hoo, Dylan's 2!

This morning Dylan and I each had doctor appointments. I really like Dylan's new pediatrician, Dr. K. She's really nice. Here are his latest stats:

Head Circumference: 19.7 in. (85%)

Weight: 31.6 lbs. (85%)

Height: 36.25 in. (90%)

Generally, the rule is you take a child's height at 2 years old and double it to get their projected adult height. Dr. K. says that he will most likely be about 6'1'' or 6'2''. Not too shabby. Not nearly as tall as G-pa, but I'll take it. At least he'll be taller than I am. I'm about eye level with most of the men I'm surrounded by and it'll be nice to not feel so huge all the time.

And the latest update:

*When you ask him what his name is he will say "Duke." But when I start the sentence "My name is..." he will say "Di-yan Duke."

*When you ask, "How old are you?" He will say, "How old are you? I'm 2!"

*He counts to 10 all by himself, but doesn't have 1 to 1 matching yet. (See videos below)

*"Let's drive the train. I can do it." (8 word utterance) "You hear that? I hear the laundry. I do hear the laundry." (12 word utterance, after he heard the dryer buzzer go off)

*He consistently points out and says "extavator" (excavator) whenever he sees a real or toy one. He also knows the difference between a dump truck, loader, fire truck, ambulance, police car, motorcycle, airplane, "helicoptu" (helicopter), "cool bus" (school bus), train, boat, mail truck, garbage truck, and just about anything else I've forgotten that 'goes' and calls them by name as soon as he sees one.

*Dylan must think Old MacDonald is a dairy farmer. He only has cows when Dylan is choosing the animals to sing.

*He LOVES to read "Eensy Weensy Spider" and "The Toy Box". He has asked me to read both of them at least twice a day for at least a week or so. He is starting to be able to quote it.

*He Loves to sing the "Itsy Spider" and "Mary Song" (Mary Had a Little Lamb) many times every day. Who knew my kid would like spiders so much.

*When he gets really sad he sticks his lower lip out. But luckily it doesn't happen often, but he did get 3 more teeth this month within 1 1/2 weeks and was quite fussy. Luckily all his holes are now filled in so we should be good for a while. (read: We can lay off the Tylenol for a while.)

*He will say "good listening" when he obeys directions, and will tell you the rule he just broke when he doesn't listen. All without prompting.

*When I tell him we're going to the park or nursery, etc. he immediately says, "Be nice to the kids" and starts singing "Sharing our toys is fun to do, fun to do, fun to do..."

*He will want you to sit at his Lightning McQueen table with him and listen to him say prayers. He always prays for Mater, McQueen, his trucks, mom, and dad. You know, the important things. In that order.

*He was given a hexagon shaped cracker and popped out with "octagon." Very close. I was impressed.

*When I am putting him down for a nap, he and I make a 'hand tower,' which amuses him to bring his hand from the bottom to the top.

*He is like a puppy. He loves to play 'fetch' with a ball in the yard.

*He loves to sit in the driver's seat and 'drive'. He can also put the key in the ignition all by himself.

We went to the park for Family Home Evening:

And then fed the ducks. It was his 1st time. He loved it!:

Some fun videos:

Feeding the ducks:

Counting to 10 at the park and swinging:

And lest you think that counting was a fluke:

Singing "Itsy Spider":

Daddy is great at random physical comedy. Funny what makes them laugh. Music to my ears:

Doing both of his transportation vehicle puzzles simultaneously:

Happy birthday, sweetie bug!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby #2 is on the way...

...and will arrive in May! I had Dylan give this note to Autrey when he came home on Sept. 29, Meagan's birthday. I had thought I was earlier in the week, but I wanted to be sure. Nothing slaps you in the face like a failed pregnancy test. I learned that last time with Dylan. So this time I didn't fail any. Although there wasn't really a chance to. No long wait. No drugs. Nothing. I'm still holding my breath it's not too good to be true. I'm just about 11 weeks now and almost done with the 1st trimester. Hope the sickness and crazy food cravings/aversions leave with it. It's definitely worse than with Dylan. Trade off, I guess. When we ask, "Where's momma's baby?" Dylan kisses my stomach. He's going to be a great big brother.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Party Party "Lightna MaTween"

Dylan was so excited for his "Party Party Lightna MaTween". I had tons of Cars food and decorations all over the house, which may have been part of it. However, I think it was the 11 cardboard box Lightning McQueens Autrey was cutting out and painting to get ready for the party (every spare moment on nights and weekends) that really got Dylan all revved up. I know that man loves his son for going along with the crazy car idea I had, since he was the one doing all the work. Totally worth it to see the 7 little boys (along with Autrey and Matt) running around in them. They made awesome favors for the kids to take home as well.

The food, all things Cars, even the mac-n-cheese car shaped noodles. As usual I WAY overplanned:



The Cars #2 racetrack cake I made. Cute, if I do say so myself. And I do say so myself:


The "Bumper Bowling" Game I invented, where the kids used toy cars to bowl the pins over:DSC02950

Favor bags/bags for pinata candy, coloring pages, stickers:DSC02954

After our "Piston Cup" race, the kids each decorated their own Piston Cup cookie trophy:DSC02955DSC02956

Cars and trucks to play with and the sweet Lightning McQueen table my mom got Dylan that I flew back from PA:


One of the 11 Lightning McQueens. Ka-chow!: DSC02958DSC02959

Some of the gifts:


Racers at the race, being hounded by the paparazzi (What? If Dylan's not even going to remember this awesome party and all the work involved with pulling it off, I was bound and determined to document the heck out if it):


Dylan Duke

Tommy Duke

Matthew Brandenburgh (next door neighbor)

Joshua West (across the street neighbor)

Calvin Nordstrom (in nursery with Dylan)

Liam Nordstrom (Calvin's older brother)

Hayden Nordstrom (in my primary class-oldest Nordstrom)

Matt Duke

Autrey Duke


Mimi and Papa

Moms of the Racers


When G-ma gave Dylan this hoodie, she was afraid it wouldn't be cold enough to wear. Turns out it was. Perfect:


"Check out my headlights":


Joshua's car of choice:


Racer in training, Tyler:


Racing Footage:


Little Boys Pinata Whacking Video:

Re-fueling their tanks:


"Bumper Bowling" Game Video:

Video of Matthew and Calvin Coloring at the Lightning McQueen Table:

Singing Happy Birthday Video:

Dylan's favorite part of the cake was the "yum yums" (M&Ms):


...and the cars:


Opening the presents:


We had so much food I told Jennifer West to send over JD (in light gray shirt) and the other football players hanging out at Coach Jacob's house to have lunch before their PeeWee Super Bowl Game. Still had tons of extras after they left. Turns out big boys also like the cars:


The birthday boy:


Mimi and Papa and Matt and Allyson stayed the rest of the weekend. Mimi got the boys matching conductor outfits they wore to the park:


Don't ask me what they were doing with that pole:DSC03030DSC03016DSC03020DSC03023DSC03027

Dylan's birthday technically isn't until the 18th, but if you ask him he'll tell you, "I'm 2!"