Monday, November 15, 2010

Videos: Self Feeding, Push Toy, and Bathtub Time

Dylan is now getting pretty good at feeding himself. He takes the two handed approach. He loves his bread.I took this video a week or so ago:

He loves his push toy. Poor guy doesn't have a lot of room in our apartment before he runs into a wall, but he still loves it.

We babysat Tommy and gave them a bath together. Tommy was so good about helping wash Dylan. I did check the little box and promised not to "upload any obscene material." While I am flirting with the line of appropriateness, I thought it was harmless to post naked pictures of the boys. There are no whizzers showing, just the cutest little cheekies I've ever seen. Since this week is Dylan's birthday, enjoy his birthday suit.

The boys may hate me when they are older, but what are moms/aunts for?
Be nice, boys, or these will show up in your wedding videos...

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Priceless! Thanks for taking those, and especially babysitting!
