Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dylan's 33 Month and Colton's 3 Month Update, with Videos

Before the updates, I was going through my camera videos and found a few I hadn't ever well as a few new ones.
Video of Dylan playing pretend upstairs back in February:
Video of Dylan going down the backyard slide into the little pool at the beginning of the summer:
Video of Dylan "playing" with Colton while he was "tanning" the bilirubin away:
Video of Colton not thrilled with tummy time:
Last weekend I froze Dylan's finger puppets in some ice and let him hammer them out to "save" them:

2 videos of the hammering:
Tummy time:
Video of Colton talking and almost rolling over:
Dinner with the Hewitt family (Adrian, Stephanie, Addy, Derek, and Avery), our dear friends from Euless right before they moved to Garland, TX:
 1st BBQ with daddy:

Dylan 33 Month Update:

*"Excuse me, but what are you doing?  You should go hold baby Colton sometime."  (As if I don't.  Sheesh.)

*"Hey, what do ya fink (think), mama?"

*"Eat your food, brother.  It's yummy."  And then he tries to push Colton's face back into my chest to help him stay focused.

*As he's walking out the door with Autrey: "I feel like I'm forgetting something."  I may have said that once or twice lately...

*Me: "Let's go ride your bike."
  Dylan: "Ok, mama.  I'll give it a try.  Let's get going."

*Dylan said "Hello" to a guy on our walk who said "Hi" back.  Dylan then says to me, "I just made a new friend."

*Walking to the car on a hot day: "Let's turn on the ABC."  (He meant A/C)

*When he is eating he will sometimes randomly say "Ech!  Tiggers don't like honey" even if he likes whatever we're eating.

*During sacrament while at church with Nana: "Where's Buster?" in a loud voice as Buster passed the bread and water.

*He likes rhyming words.  We continue to work on colors and counting objects.  I'm going to start introducing individual ABC letters.  The other day he pointed out all the "E"s on signs as we walked to the school park and back.  He also pointed to the "F"s, calling them "E"s, but that's pretty good.  He also knows "X" from the treasure map on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD.

*He still likes cars/toys to "watch" him eat/go potty/etc.

*Dylan and I love to chase each other around the kitchen island.  It is so fun.  We laugh and laugh.  It's actually a good workout for me, which shows just how much my body atrophied this pregnancy.

*During a nap he got out of his twin bed for the 1st time on his own.  We found him 'reading' his books after he had pulled them all off his little shelf.  I guess it's better than emptying his drawers or going out of his room.  It's been a few weeks and he hasn't done it again.  Hasn't earned the title of "flight risk" quite yet. 

Colton 3 Month Update:

*Colton is now in size 1 diapers.  He can still fit in most of his newborn clothes, but he is also wearing 0-3 month clothes.

*I am loving how chunky he is, especially the rolls at the top of his thighs.  His skin is so soft.

*He does the "bow and arrow" position with his arms.

*He now enjoys his nightly baths.

*Unlike Dylan as a baby, Colton will take a binky.  It's nice, but it makes me nervous that it will become a bad habit.  It's a better alternative than having him use me as a binky and nursing forever like he was though.  I'm planning on letting him use it for a few months and then phasing it out before he becomes attached to it.  I want to avoid future "sleep prop", teeth, and language problems down the road if he were to hang onto it. 

*He is starting to do better about not having to be held all the time.  He will be content in the swing or on his blanket on the floor for short stretches.

*At the end of July he had slept 5-6 1/2 hours in a row before but it wasn't the norm.  On August 1st he slept 8 hours in a row and on August 10 he slept for 10 hours in a row!  Light at the end of the sleep deprivation tunnel!! 

*Daily naptime is what we are working on now, since Colton is Mr. Cat Napper during the day. 

*It is cute to see him reach out and "play" with the objects on his crib mirror toy.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea with the ice and hammer. Looks like you had a fun reunion in Utah!
