Monday, September 17, 2012

34 Month and 4 Month Updates

My boys:
At our ward party Labor Day weekend:
I decided to shake up lunch a bit with a mini muffin pan.  Dylan loves his 'special lunches':
 Big boy sitting in his Bumbo:
  Lookin' sharp:


 The faces of little baseball man:

I tried to get a picture of the boys together after church.  Dylan was having none of that:
 I'll have to try again later. Colton's little tie outfits are so cute: 
 I bought this little jumping horse for $15 at a garage sale (even though in the video I accidently say it was $5.  I bought Dylan a sweet toy BBQ/kitchen set at that same garage sale for $5, hence the confusion.  I'll take a picture of that soon.  He has a blast with it and he doesn't even have any play food yet.):
Video of 1st time in the jumping horse:
 Video of Colton smiling and wiggling around:
Smiling at daddy:
Big smiles 1st thing in the morning:
Dylan 34 month update:
*Dylan has been 100% in underwear day and night since August 27 with only a nap accident on Labor Day so far!  So proud of him!  He loves his Lightning McQueen size 4 undies.  (He is size 3 clothes and size 9 shoes.  Big boy!)  He can mostly get his pants down but needs help getting them up.  And he still insists on going #2 while sitting backwards. 
*I started "Mommy School" time with Dylan.  He is working on letters, shapes, colors, and 1 to 1 matching with things like marhmellows and "counting bears"(Teddy Grahams).
*I cut myself while I was chopping and stirring veggies and he says, "It's ok, mama.  You just gotta be careful when you're doing the stir."
*Other funny mistakes: "Fwamp monster" (Swamp), "That's mines," "da/dis" (the/this). 
*He had some broken skin on his toe: "I broke my foot, mama!"
*We need a new ding dong (doorbell) for Dylan's house on _______ Road." (Security)  (He is good with pronoun use, but sometimes reverts to 3rd person.)
*"Ok, daddy.  So if you were on Mars looking for treasure stars..." (I was laughing too hard to catch the rest, unfortunately.)
*"It's loading" when a TV or compter freezes up.
*The master of "2 (or 3) more minutes!" when he's not ready to be done playing.  So I have to give him a 2 minute warning.
*Me: "You need to be a happy boy."
  Dylan: "Show me a smile." (like I tell him and gives a cheesy smile whether he's happy or not just to get what he wants.)
*"I want to kiss your kiss."  All the time.  Then he plants one on my mouth.  I'm glad his attitude is improving!  Especially because he doesn't always fall asleep when he goes in his bed for naptime anymore.  He will just talk and sing to himself or play with his 3 stuffed animals (Elephant, Puppy, and Blue Bear).
*Dylan likes to sit in our criss-cross leg "nests."
*We go through a lot of napkins during meals because he wants to wipe wach drip as soon as it happens.
*We've been going to the Southlake library, various parks, and having play dates with a group of his nursery friends every week and he is good at remembering their names.  He doesn't really like to participate in the library singing and dancing yet, but hopefully he will warm up to structured group settings before official pre-school next year.
Colton 4 month update:
*Stats at the doctor - Head: 16, 15th% (Dylan's head was 42 cm)
                                  Height: 24 3/4 in, 50th% (Dylan was 24 in)
                                  Weight: 13 lb 5 oz, 20th%  (Dylan was 12 lb 6 oz)
*Colton slept 14 solid hours in a row last night (10pm-noon)!  I checked on him often because it made me nervous.  At noon, 15 minutes after I had last checked, he was just laying there, happy and wide-eyed and ready for the day.  Although he is trying to go back to sleep now as I am nursing and typing.
*He generally sleeps 10-12 hours with 2-3 naps (sometimes catnaps, sometimes 2-3 hours long.)  Still working on it.  But we have the only eat 4 times daily, every 4 hours part down.)
*Colton went from a push-up to a roll on the left side, but hasn't done it many times since.  What he is doing is using his feet to push himself along the floor.

*His poop has smelled like vinegar since my mastitis. Gross. Coincidence? I don't know.
*He is able to visually track people as they walk around the room.
*He is quite chatty with his "ooohs" and "gooos" and has started to laugh.
*He is 'jumping' and blowing spit bubbles.

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