Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine card this year: We love you THIS much!
Heart shaped French toast breakfast:
 One of the goobers I love in his shirt from last year that still fit:
 Marbled brownies for dessert:
I think Valentine's Day should always be on a Friday or Saturday.  Having it on a Thursday isn't as fun because Autrey has to wake up at 5am the next day and doesn't want to stray far from his 9pm bedtime.  Plus, having kids makes it so you really can't go out anyway unless you ask a young woman on a school night or ask another couple to watch them, thereby putting a damper on their night.  (That's also part of the reason we only went to the temple once and only had 2 quick dinner dates total last year.  I know, I know.  Comes with the territory.)  I decided I would volunteer my babysitting services to friends so at least someone could enjoy Valentines and I would feel purposeful in doing nothing.  Most people already had plans or had scheduling conflicts and couldn't celebrate that night but the 5th couple I asked finally took me up on it.  However, my friend called me at 5pm that night saying she was way too tired and just wanted to put her kids to bed and crash herself.  I was bummed.  Thankfully, Autrey came home with roses, cheesecake, Martinelli's, and a Redbox movie so it worked out after all.  (Although I hope there aren't any MMA movies made this year or I might get another MMA fighting movie for the 3rd year in a row next year.  I like action movies and don't want Autrey to suffer through a bad chick flick, but I shouldn't want to lift weights or punch someone on Valentine's Day.)  I'm lucky that I feel loved by all 3 of my boys every day and not just one day a year.
Happy Valentine's Day!  *muah*  

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