Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Half Pint's Half-Year Stats

On the 12th, Dylan went to his 6 month doctor's appointment. It was his last visit with Dr. Caryn Garriga before we move (knock on wood). His official stats were:

Weight: 15 lbs 3 oz (10th-25th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (50th percentile)
Head circumference: 44 cm (50th percentile)

Speaking of his head, Dylan's head is still a little flat. We were told to go to Children's Hospital to get him x-rayed and evaluated to see if he needs to wear a helmet to reshape it. Autrey took him this morning and said little buddy was not a big fan of the x-rays. Poor guy. They said his head is 1 mm off of 'normal,' so now we have to figure out what to do about it. Anyway, Dylan is a growing boy, catching up quickly. He is pounding formula in addition to the little I am able to pump for him. That stuff is expensive. We have been lucky that we were given so many gift cards between my 4 baby showers that we haven't had to pay for it or diapers ourselves, until now. The free ride just ended. A week or two ago we used the last one. It was nice while it lasted. Dylan loves to hold things, including his bottle.
I have given him rice cereal twice to see how he would do. He likes the spoon, but I think he ended up wearing most of it.

Autrey has been taking care of Dylan since his classes ended. They play together all day long. Autrey took this after they went on a walk. Excuse the glare:
Dylan has started to laugh and squeal like a little girl at a sleepover. It's pretty funny. Also, he finally rolled over from his back to his tummy for the first time while we were staying at Innsbrook this weekend. Yay! The next task is to sit up by himself for more than a few seconds.

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