Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 2 with G-ma!

G-ma giving Colton his 1st bath at home:

A week after Colton was born, the girls in my ward threw me a baby shower.  I was so excited to see my friends after weeks of bed rest I slacked and only remembered to take a picture as the last of the guests were on their way out the door at 10 pm.  The remaining night owls: Crysta Rappleye, Annalee Dinkel, Christi Taylor, Tammy Burraston, Brindee Blue, me, Sherrie Ellis, Melissa Brandenburgh, mom: 
Colton's 1st swing ride, with help from Dylan:
With Dr. White at my follow-up appointment:
G-ma made a chocolate pie.  Clearly, someone enjoyed it:
Giving loves to baby Colton as he sun tans his bilirubin away:
G-ma loves Dylan:
Cuddling on the couch:
1st time Dylan held Colton.  Dylan sat down on the chair, put the Boppy pillow on his lap and asked to hold him.  Within 2 seconds Colton pooped, but luckily the diaper held it in.  Pretty funny:
Little Slugger:
Dylan went on bike rides with G-ma a few times every day and is getting brave on his new bike:
Helping mom make cinnamon roll dough:
Lunch time:
Playing in the sand:
 The Hanselman's came over for dinner on Friday night:

We always love it when G-ma comes to visit.  Mom is the best.  She brought clothes and toys, fed us, helped around the house, entertained Dylan, stayed up during night feedings with me for moral support and to help keep Colton awake while eating, and is the master baby burper.  It was really hard to say good-bye when she left yesterday!  Love you, G-ma!

1 comment:

  1. Shilo he is so cute and I love his little bald head! You look so great in your leaving the hospital photos. You probably don't think so, but you do! I hope you are loving the time with your new little one and I hope everything works out okay with his foot! Congratulations!
