Saturday, September 21, 2013

46 and 16 Month Updates

One of Autrey's patients works for the Cowboys and gave us sweet seats and parking tickets to go to the last preseason game against the Houston Texans (the night before we flew to San Diego).  There were no starters playing, unfortunately, but we had fun being at the Cowboys Stadium with that HUGE 50 yard big screen floating above the field.  Even though we saved $250 by getting tickets and parking free, we still couldn't bring ourselves to pay stadium prices for food.  On the way home we stopped at Taco Bell for nachos and McDonalds for McFlurries and spent $10 total instead of $40.
Dylan had his 1st significant injury a few weeks ago.  We had 2 of his little friends over when he fell into the corner of the wooden car table Autrey built for the boys (the painting is still not completed, or I would show it to you).  It didn't bleed much, but it looked deep and his eye was swollen, so I texted this picture to Dr. K and Autrey.  Autrey happened to be doing rounds at a doctor's office and brought home some Steri-Strip so I didn't have to go to urgent care to get it taken care of:

Here is a video from a few weeks ago of Colton putting a baseball on a tee and hitting it.  We never taught him how to do that, he just picked it up from watching Dylan:
Friday night pizza and movie cuddle time:

Yesterday we went to the Southlake library where Miki the Monkey came to visit and do tricks for the kids:
Melinda brought her 3 kids too.  Trey had been looking forward to this all week:
Then out to splash in the fountain across the street:

Autrey picked a red chili pepper from the garden, which Dylan likes to carry around as a little friend named Chili Willy.
Hopefully we will be able to eat Chili Willy before Dylan loves him to death.  He barely let me take him away long enough to take a picture:
The most recent garden harvest: okra, tomatoes, and Chili Willy.  We've also had a handful of beans, a cantaloupe, and a jalapeno this season.  The garden is more of a science project than a plentiful food source:
Dylan 46 Month Update:

According to the bathroom scale: 43-44 lbs
Clothes: 4/5 T, because of length
Shoes: 12ish

*On the flight back from San Diego it was really bumpy.  Dylan said his belly hurt.  We walked off the plane and he threw up all over himself as we were heading to the bathroom.  He has aunt Kristen's motion sickness I guess.

*Dylan can take his shirt off by himself.  He struggled with that one for a while.

*Dylan still clears his place by putting his plate and silverware by the dishwasher, but now he puts his cup back in the fridge when he's done or gets it for me when he wants a drink.

*Dylan is an awesome 'gopher.'  He goes and gets whatever I need and is a huge helper.

*We were talking about Crystal's upcoming wedding and here is a conversation we had:
D: "I can get married after my mission.  Who can I marry?"
Me: "Anyone you want."
D: "Can I marry Ashlyn?"
Me: "No. She's your cousin."
D: "Can I marry Maggie?"
Me: "No."
D: "Is she my cousin too?"
Me: "Yup.  Sorry buddy."
D: "Can I marry Tom-Tom?"
Me: "Definitely not."
D: "I'm going to marry myself"  And then he ran off to play.  We're going to have to revisit that one. :)

*D: "Are you doing AB WORKER X?" (P90X's AB ripper X workout)
  Me: "I sure am."
  D: "I want to do leg pounders." (Mason Twist exercise)

*Me: "You and Colton are going to go to Trey's house while I go to the doctor.  Be a good listener for Miss Melinda, ok?"
D: "Ok.  I'm going to teach her the Gospel."
Me: "That sounds like a great idea."
D: "And she will teach me the Gospel."
Me: "I hope you enjoy your little discussion."

*"Dad, you're a crazy driver.  You almost crashed off the road." Autrey drove on the rumble strips for a second.  There is construction everywhere so that's easy to do.

*When someone does something he doesn't like he says it's "not appropriate."  It's funny when he repeats things I do, except when it's "you bet your booty" and "knock yourself out."  The way I say it and the way he does mean two very different things.

*Dylan loves "Honey Bug Cheerios" (Honey Nut), just like G-ma.

*He asks me almost everyday some form of "Where are we going today?"/"Who's coming over?"  He is a social butterfly like me and loves to be around people.

Colton 16 Month Update:

15 Month Check-Up with Dr on 8/23:
Height: 32.5 in, 85% (Dylan was 33 in, 90%)
Weight: 25.11 lbs, 65% (Dylan was 25 lb, 50%)
Head: 18.6 cm, 50% (Dylan was 18.8 cm 50-75%)
Clothes: 18 months
Shoes: size 4

*New words: "go," "hi," "buh-bye," "nana" (banana), "uh-oh," "ah-done", "fishie," "baby," "here go" (Here you go), "car," "ice" (eyes), "high" (airplane, as in "Look, an airplane up high"), "shoes," he has said "Mimi" and "Papa."  Melinda said she heard him say "monkey" clearly when she was watching him while I was at an eye follow-up appt, but he may have said puppy because that's what he calls most animals. 

*Colton got tooth #4 (left of his top left front tooth) on 8/27 and #5 (bottom left front tooth) on 9/7 

*He learned his 2nd body part "buh" (belly button) and 3rd body part "ice" (eyes)

*Colton is a pretty good walker.  Occasionally he looks drunk and falls a lot, but he has the hang of it.

*He holds up phones, or other objects, up to his ear/back of head and says "buh-bye."

*He LOVES to play with keys.  Real ones.  And pretends to open doors and start toy cars with them

*He took the nail clippers and pretended to clip his toe nails.

*When we went to feed the ducks, Colton kept eating the bread.  He threw one or two pieces after he was  full.

*He "blows" on food like I do when it's hot, or even when it's not.

*He bats my hand away if he doesn't want whatever I'm giving him.

*He likes to climb the stairs, sit on the slide, and go down all by himself.

*When he hears "yay" or clapping he claps too and usually squeals.

*Colton loves to dance to music.

*In church he waves his arms to help lead the music.

*Colton still loves food in general, but he is obsessed with raisins.  And he will always eat bananas, blueberries, grapes, whole raspberries, carrots, bits of peanut butter bread, applesauce, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, cereal/crackers.  He loves it when Dylan shares his popsicles. 

*He still prefers a bottle when he is tired, even though he drinks from a sippy cup without problems.

Random Stuff:

*I am now on Level 2 of my 30 Day Shred.  But I don't do it every day, so it will be more than 30 days before I get shredded.

*I got a 20 punch pass for $38 Let's Jump! on Groupon.  Yay for great deals!  Since adults and kids under 18 months are free, we can have hours of fun for the cost of Dylan, less than $2.

*Being in the Relief Society Presidency is definitely an everyday calling.  I absolutely love it, most days.  Sometimes I just wish I had an extra hour or two in the day to get everything done or didn't feel like I was dragging the boys to meetings all the time.  But the blessings always outweigh the effort I put in. :)

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