Monday, January 13, 2014

4 1/6 year and 20 mo update

Dylan loves to play Angry Birds on Autrey's phone, so Miss Marissa let him borrow the live version of the game for a few days.  It was a huge hit!

 I was describing this game to my mom and she told me to take a picture.  Allyson, don't show this to Tommy.  I ordered one for his birthday party, as long as Amazon pulls through in time:

 Another fun game on Laundry Day (the reason why my bed is stripped): The sock puppet pirates sailing in their ship:

Dylan Update:
*(On Dec. 8) 
Aut: "What do you want for Christmas?"
 D: "The black car with police lights."
 Me: "Go tell Tony about it."
 D: "Tony said I could have it."

*G-pa: "Where do eggs come from?"
 D: "Wal-Mart."

*Dylan: "G-pa's muscles dance up and down."
 Colton heard him and said: "Uh-oh.  "Bah" (Fall) down."

*Me: "Hey, Dylan.  Stop that."
 D: (in a sweet voice) "What did you say, mom dear?  I can't hear you."

*Dylan "sawed" Gracie in half with his foam sword and "made a gril cheese samwich" out of her.  The funny part is he still says gril instead of girl, so I'm not sure if he meant grilled cheese sandwich or girl cheese sandwich.

*Dylan can turn on his police car, drive it in reverse down the driveway (avoiding the truck parked right behind it), and do a 3 point turn to drive down the street to the park all by himself.  As long as he is looking at the road and not distracted he does a very good job.  Autrey jokes he is a better driver than I am.  

*After his 4 year old check up, and subsequent visit to the urologist, we discovered Dylan is going to need surgery to repair a communicating hydocele on January 24th.  They are officially calling the procedure an inguinal hernia repair.  I've learned my lesson when Googling other conditions in the past, so I haven't on this one.  I'm too nervous about him going under as it is to do research that is going to freak me out.  So forgive me if I don't know all the answers to questions you may have about it.  All I know is that he is leaking fluid internally and they are going to seal the hole so he doesn't get a hernia in the future.

*D: "Is dad coming home? He needs to make money.  So we can turn on lights.  Lights have electricity and need to have money."

*D: "I already ate it.  It went in my mouth and down to my big toe."

*Dylan is his father's son.  He did great on the Disneyland rides, and was in the very front of the Splash Mountain log ride, but threw up after asking to go faster and faster on the tire swing in Ruidoso.

*To Tommy while standing on a rock at Goofy's house playground in Toon Town: "I'm king of the North Pole!"

*When Dylan says something he knows he shouldn't, sometimes he will say, "Just kidding.  You're a goofer-oafus" to try to get out of it.

*Dylan likes to load his bowl/plate/silverware into the dishwasher.  I just have to make sure I unload clean dishes quickly so dirty ones don't get put in there.

*On our way to rent a movie: "We are going to get a Dylan movie.  Then we trade it back for a different one.  What a deal!"

*We walked into Discount Tire after getting our 2nd flat tire in 2 weeks (3 if you include the spare) and Dylan dramatically announced, "We got ANOTHER flat tire!  Argh!"  I may have muttered that under my breath as I stopped at Kroger to put enough air in the tire to get us home.

*While he was playing with Colton on the pretend cash register he found an old Amazon card and said, "Here's your gift card you always wanted!"  I may get pretty excited about gift cards.

*Clearly, I have myself a parrot.  Colton also likes to parrot Dylan, and Dylan likes to teach him to say things.  All good things, so far.

Colton Update:
*Colton got his 7th tooth in New Mexico right before Christmas.  It is to the left of his bottom left front tooth.

*"Weh ah ew? / Ah you?" (Where are you?), "Shi-o!" (Shilo!...Dylan taught him), "up...dow" (down), "cookie," "fen f-why" (french fry), "be-ball" (meatball), "oht" (hot), "Sah-ta" (Santa), "ahnsh" (orange), "sssss" (Shhhh or snoring), "I did it!" "gun," "pee-boo" (peekabo), "That funny," "juice," "great" (grape), "open," "moke" (milk)

*Colton calls himself "Colti" and Dylan is "DihDihn." Dylan calls him "Colt" sometimes.

*Colton calls Mimi, Nana, and G-ma all "Mimi" and Chloe is "Coh-ee."

*Aut: "Where's Mommy?"
 C: He ran to the top of the stairs and pointed "Mommy dow (down...downstairs)."

*He says, "I poo-poo" whether he is about to poop or toot.  He will also say, "I push" when he is trying to get one of them out.

*He will bring me both pieces of a broken toy and say "It boke" and "Hep pease" (Help please).  

*He sleeps with a musical stuffed "e-phant" (elephant) and a "bankit" (blanket) over him.  

*Colton was playing peekaboo in his crib with me.  He leaned over to find me and I caught him as he fell out and almost landed on his head.  He hasn't done it since.  Good thing, because this recent trip let me know he is NOT ready for a bed other than a crib or pack-n-play.

*Colton likes to do "walks" (rocks...fist bumps that explode at the end) 

*Colton waves all the time.  He was adorable watching the Disney parade at night.

*Colton is very huggy and affectionate and cuddly and blows kisses, except when he wants to run around at full speed chasing the older kids.  He has no fear to go and do everything they do.  He is much more adventurous than Dylan was at this age, probably because he watches Dylan and knows it's safe.  I wonder if the bravery would be switched if their birth order was switched.  The only time I have seen him get scared is on the Luigi tire ride in Cars Land.

*Both kids loved being out in the snow in New Mexico and in the beach sand and water in California.

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