Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Happy Valentine's...from 2017

I'm undertaking the Herculean task of catching up this blog from the past 2 years. I'm really sad I wasn't able to keep up with it in real time (or at least within a few months) because things won't be in the exact right order and there won't be as many details as I would have liked to include. However, I wasn't able to because my life and compressed schedule simply did not allow the time. Also, everything was just too raw and uncertain to share for a while there. I can't overstate how difficult, stressful and exhausting the adjustment to having a child with a rare disability has been. But it's also been one of the greatest gifts our family has ever been given. Robbie has always been the happiest, sweetest little guy. He has been a light and an inspiration to many. To know him is to love him. And Dylan and Colton have loved him from the start, never begrudging the time and effort and money that needed to be spent on his behalf to keep him alive and thriving.

Finally going through our photos is going to be a fun walk down memory lane just to see how far our family has come since I took the pictures. I truly love my boys and my family so much.
Happy Valentine's Day...2 years belated!

What I posted on Facebook Feb 13, 2017: When your husband goes to urgent care at 6 am to discover he has bronchitis and a sinus infection after a night the baby only allows you to sleep 3 hours know it's going to be a looooong day. #roughnight #deliriouslytired #mamadoesntgetadayoff #valentinesdaywillberaincheckedthisyear

Feb. 14, 2017: Well, I didn't fix a heart shaped breakfast or lunch, didn't venture out with the baby in the rain to attend any Valentine's class parties, haven't showered yet, and am still in my dried baby barf covered pjs with no plans for a date tonight...BUT, Avengers Valentines (with the help of Chelsea Albert) and Dylan's Lego Valentine box (with the help of Stevan Autrey Duke) did happen. And the Husband bought roses and made chocolate covered strawberries. And I got a nap. And after 15 attempts I got a cute picture of my boys just now. I'm going to call it a win.

Autrey thought he was being funny when he had Dylan write this. I'm pretty sure he was referring to Desiree' and Josh, but it also could have been the month-ish that Meagan and Ken were between houses. I don't remember:
 Dylan's Valentine box...and he's used it every year since!:

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