Saturday, July 17, 2010

8 is Great

Little buddy is now 8 months old. And how did we celebrate? By making a Texas sheet cake and going with Matt and Allyson to see the fireworks at Grapevine Lake. It was Dylan's first time since there were not any in Ruidoso on the 4th. He loved them. He just stared, totally captivated. Here are 8 other things Dylan loves at 8 months:

*He loves the food I make in my baby food grinder, especially sweet potatoes, bananas, and applesauce.
*He loves to army crawl everywhere, occasionally donking his head on the coffee table and bottom of the bed.
*He loves to crawl to the edge of the bed or couch and try to dive off.
*He loves to play with his own/other people's hands, feet, shoes, and electronics.
*He loves to laugh and he jabbers constantly, which can be heard in the background of phone conversations with me.
*He loves to splash in water, in the bath and the pool.
*He loves when daddy gets him from his crib in the morning and bathes him at night before bed.
*He loves to take field trips to the store to look at people and all the stuff. I love it when people tell me how cute he is. By the way, he is looking more and more like G-pa. Dad, this is what your son might have looked like.

These videos are of Dylan crawling and playing with Tommy on his "shoshie":


  1. hahahahahaha i love all of those face pictures!! they're so adorable!!

  2. We love beonga ble to replay and replay the video clips and stare at the pictures!! How fun and adorable he is!! Looking like G-pa...that made him smile... We think tommy and Dylan look like brothers!! Hoe fun they are and will have together.
    Can't wait to see you all Friday!!!

  3. Wow--I better learn to re-read my comments...
    correction... beonga ble means...being able
    hoe is how--
