Tuesday, July 14, 2009

20 weeks: Half-Way Day!

Today is an exciting day! I am officially 20 weeks and feeling great! The second trimester is a beautiful thing. Not feeling quite as exhausted or sick anymore (even though I had it pretty easy and only threw up 5 times total - my poor mom did double that on most days during each of her 1st trimesters), and not huge or uncomfortable yet. 20 weeks means half of my pregnancy is under my belt...quite literally, as you can see. According to the internet, Dylan should be about 10 inches long and weigh 10 ounces. I had Allyson, my sister-in-law we are staying with this month, take a few pictures to document the occasion. The first thing she said was, "Black is a slimming color. You should have picked a different color to show off your belly." I had to agree with her, but I decided to ease into these prego pictures gradually for the sake of my pride. It is hard to fight the impulse to hide my belly or try to suck it in when I see a camera. Next time I promise to wear a color that truly accentuates my growth. For now, enjoy this silhouette:

And the close up:

Only 20 more weeks until I get to hold Dylan outside my belly!


  1. Yay for halfway! Nice job Shilo! I am so excited for you guys!

  2. You look fabulous! 20 weeks is a nice miestone!!!

  3. where's the baby? baby bump my butt! haha

  4. YAY for half way day!!! You are so cute

  5. Hehe I remember being 20 weeks and feeling like I was really showing. Just wait! I am so happy to hear that you are feeling well.

  6. OH MY HECK you dont even look pregnant I cant believe how awesome you look. I cant wait to see that baby of yours. CONGRATS again... MISS YOU
