Thursday, September 10, 2009

Growing Pains

It's official! Tuesday was the start of my 3rd trimester. I am happy to report that my visits to the doctor have been great so far. Dylan has been growing and so have I. I have gained 20 lbs so far -- 3 lbs the 1st trimester and 17 lbs in the 2nd trimester. That's not too bad, considering I was "on vacation" and eating a lot more than I normally would have during the entire summer. It is a surreal feeling to wake up one morning and suddenly realize it looks like there is a volleyball under your shirt.

Me: "My belly's getting bigger. That's so weird!"

Autrey: "Don't worry. It'll GROW on you!"

Ha ha. I'm sure it will continue to grow. I am still sporting my innie belly button, for now at least. It is a lot more shallow than it used to be, but an innie still the same. The news for today is that I had to go and drop my drawers to get a RhoGAM shot. Super fun, if you like needles. (I don't, but this one didn't really hurt.) The shot was necessary because my blood is A- and Autrey's is A+. I guess that shouldn't have surprised me. He is smarter than I am and his grades were always slightly higher than mine. For instance, we both took Marriage Prep in college. Autrey got an A. I got an A-. Hence, he likes to kid around and say that his way is always best. I'll let him think whatever makes him happy. I'm getting excited to have him home again soon!

1 comment:

  1. yep. i had to do one of those shots too. though after all the other needles and poking and prying, i was like, whatever, just do it.

    so glad things are going well. it gives me hope! :D
