Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 22 Baby Bump

People always talk about how the 1st child has more pictures taken of them than subsequent ones. I vowed never to fall into that trap. Yet, I realize I already have. I'm 22 1/2 weeks, over halfway done, and have never taken a belly shot before today. It has nothing to do with having less excitement with Colton; I'm just more tired with more back pain and feel...well, more huge. Could be in my head, I'm not sure. I don't think so though. The scale says I have gained about 20 lbs. (I gained 30 lbs TOTAL last time). Makes ya want to get in front of a camera, right? *cough, cough* So, Colton, this is for you: Actually, I remember posting a picture of my belly taken the night we found out we were expecting Dylan. I do have some pictures that would work for that this time around. I started P90X a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant and took "Before" pictures. The others aren't exactly modest, but this one isn't too bad:
Should I send this "Before" picture along with the top prego picture to P90X as my "After" picture? I think I might have a shot at being a P90X advertising success in plugging its cure for infertility...


  1. You look so cute! I know you're probably feeling huge, but you look so tiny! Congrats on another boy... two boys in a row is so much fun! :)

  2. I am so happy that Colton is kicking you and reminding you to take care of both of you!! we are so happy for you and are thankful for the baby bump! you look great!!
