Friday, March 13, 2020

G-ma's videos during her visit, mostly from Robbie’s CIMT Therapy

From Facebook:
1/13: Day 1 of CIMT (Constraint-induced Movement Therapy ) at OCH is in the books. He was very compliant and surprisingly never got upset about having the brace on. Look at that helper hand go! 💪🏻
In the 3rd video he was talking to Atticus, the therapy dog, who was playing with another child.

1/20: Day 6 of CIMT. On Thursday of last week they started doing E-Stim (Electrical Stimulation) on various parts of his left arm. Doctors have never answered whether he was missing his left bicep or it was just underdeveloped. Because of his motor response we now know he DOES in fact have a bicep muscle!🎉
E-Stim is really beneficial for him but the 4th video shows how uncomfortable it can be at first. He isn’t a fan and asks to take it off, but he never cries and toughs it out. It is hard to watch him struggle, but I know it will help him so we continue to do it in short spurts. He was tolerating it better by the end of therapy today. #Arthrogryposis #AMCstrong

1/22: CIMT Day 6 (continued) and Day 8:
-The 1st video was taken soon after that 4th video I posted on Monday of Robbie having a hard time with the e-stim on his arm. See? He quickly learned to tough it out and you can barely see a reaction.
-The 2nd video is of Robbie pronating his hand and pushing into the kinetic sand, a position he never did before this therapy intensive.
-The 3rd video shows the really cool e-stim bike that is stretching and strengthening his muscles. It has made a difference since we started on Monday...but it does make him cry sporadically during the half hour because it’s not a pleasant sensation. We had Rosa the therapy dog and videos to distract him. Not fun to see him cry, but every morning he asks to go play with Keriann so I know it’s more uncomfortable than painful. #Arthrogryposis #AMCstrong

1/31: I’m playing catch up and posting a week late because my phone was soooo full it literally stopped functioning until I finally had the chance to unload photos/videos. There’s a metaphor in there...
Today was the last day of CIMT therapy and driving back and forth to Dallas every day. Robbie really did make a lot of progress and it was completely worth it. These were the pictures and videos mom took her second week here before she flew back home. She was able to watch Robbie’s therapy sessions, attend 3 basketball games for both Dylan and Colton and take them to all their activities, and keep us fed and from falling hopelessly behind on laundry. She’s able to make everything easier and much more fun. We sure miss having G-ma here! ❤️

Day 1: 1/13

Day 2: 1/14

 Day 3: 1/15

Video crawling through the tunnel:

Day 6: 1/20
Yogurt in purple butterfly mat feeding using left hand:
Day 8: 1/22
Riding the E-Stim Bike Watching Yoda and Darth Sidious Fight:
Laying on back reaching up for bean bags and putting them in a box across his body to the right:

Crawling through tunnel and doing a shape puzzle:

Crying while riding the E-Stim bike:
Riding E-Stim Bike, requesting to watch Yoda next:
Happy riding E-Stim bike while watching Count Dooku light saber battle:
4 Videos of Robbie laying on his back reaching:
Trying to reach left hand up to pop a bubble while sitting up. Gravity is tough:
Dylan demonstrating the BB-8 case with First Order ship interior. G-Ma is a great scavenger shopper! They went to go get Lego mini figures and came home with this. They come by their love for Star Wars honestly. She still has her original action figures in their Darth Vader case.
Doing actions to Patty Cake with G-ma:
Singing "A Bushel and a Peck" (after thinking we were singing a different song and got confused):
R-O-B-B-I-E song:
One last round of games before I took G-ma back to the airport:

KeriAnn and Stefani tried to email me the completed powerpoint showing his pre and post test results but it was too big, so they sent me some of the shorter clips.
Abduction Sideways Reach Pre-test 12-17-2019:
Abduction Sideways Reach Post-test 1-29-2020:
Fine Motor Grasp and Release Pre-test Video 2 of 2:
Grasp and Release of Crayon Post-test 1-29-2020
Manipulation of Cube Post Test Video 2 of 3:

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